• CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    So let me get this straight, a group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate, and the government tries to prevent them from doing that, and you don't think that's imperialism? I bet you don't feel the same about separatism in Catalonia, Donbas, Kurdistan, or the Zapatistas. Classic tankie logic: imperialism good when done by purported "communists."

      • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        The Civil War was imperialism but it was good imperialism. Fascist breakaways are a bit different: the Union taking over the South was infringing on their self-governance, but that's a good thing, Confederates were pure evil. It's like after WWII and Axis powers became occupied, could you technically call that colonialism? Maybe, but they needed to be.

        If Taiwan was blatantly fascistic, genocidal, had slavery, etc. I would support China colonizing them... but they aren't. They're neoliberal (much like China), which is lame, but they're not a Nazi state. Remind me, who was the first in Asia to legalize gay marriage?

        Your comparison is bad faith.

        • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Wait, so China is Neoliberal and fascist and state capitalist!

          And here I was thinking words had meanings.

        • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
          1 year ago

          If Taiwan was blatantly fascistic, genocidal, had slavery, etc. I would support China colonizing them... but they aren't.

          Taiwan AKA the Republic of China was founded as a settler colonial military dictatorship

          • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            And are they a military dictatorship today? Even when they were, they weren't a threat to world peace or humanity like the Confederacy or the Japanese Empire. By that logic do you think the US military should intervene in African military dictatorships?

            • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
              1 year ago

              The KMT was certainly a threat to Formosans, and to leftists living in the island they'd seized.

              If the Confederacy had survived the war as rump state in Southern Florida and continued to claim to rule the entire US South and in the mid nineties claimed to be a democracy and then finally elected a non-military president in the aughts, would you call the US imperialist for not recognizing the Confederacy?

        • JohnBrownsBussy2 [she/her, they/them]
          1 year ago

          Okay, that's consistent. Given that the modern incarnation of Taiwan was founded as a fascistic & genocidal settler colony, what was the timepoint at which a decisive end to the Chinese Civil War shifted from acceptable to unacceptable in your eyes?

    • meth_dragon [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate

      this is just not true. the overwhelming majority want a return to the status quo, a status quo that was very consistently gravitating towards china before the US decided to stir shit using its DPP puppets. the taiwanese people are perfectly capable of understanding which side their bread is buttered on and that their families cannot subsist on a diet of freedom and democracy.

        • meth_dragon [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          i can't believe i enabled images for this

          they're not even figures, they're just snippets of text from natopedia that somehow unequivocally support my claim

          what am i supposed to do with this? gloat?

          • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            If you actually read it you would know the vast majority either want to keep the self-governance or become fully independent (50%). Both of those are some form of separatism, even if most of them don't want anything radical that could trigger a war.

            • meth_dragon [none/use name]
              1 year ago

              and a plurality of people believe that maintaining the status quo == independence

              where is the gotcha?

              • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                I said Taiwanese people are overwhelmingly separatists. Proved to be true, seeing only 18% want China having any control over them.

                • meth_dragon [none/use name]
                  1 year ago

                  jfc, points for trying to turn this into a semantics game but sorry, fuck you

                  lets look at bbc, first result we get when we search "台独民意调查“ on google.hk because apparently google.tw is too spicy for google's techbro commissariat. whatever, close enough:


                  even tries to reframe it by breaking up de facto status quo supporters into two camps but plurality still supports status quo

                  how about cn language natopedia

                  2020, NCCU (same as the bbc study):

                  1. “尽快独立”占7.4%
                  2. “偏向独立”占27.7%,为历年最高
                  3. “永远维持现状”占23.6%
                  4. “维持现状再决定”的民众比例持续下降至28.7%
                  5. “尽快统一”占0.7%创下新低

                  2021, united news:

                  1. “尽快独立”占18%
                  2. “维持现况再独立”占16%
                  3. “永远维持现状”占51%
                  4. “维持现状再统一”占6%
                  5. “尽快统一”占4%
                  6. “无意见”占3%

                  2022, 'taiwanese public opinion foundation' (read: cia cutout):

                  1. “坚持台湾独立”占27.3%
                  2. “赞成但不坚持台湾独立”占22.8%
                  3. “维持现状但偏台湾独立”占11.3%
                  4. “永远维持现状”占8.4%
                  5. “维持现状但偏两岸统一”占6.0%
                  6. “赞成但不坚持两岸统一”占9.4%
                  7. “坚持两岸统一”占2.4%

                  look at how they progressively split the status quo category (the size of which does not demonstrably change) into smaller and smaller demos to try and push an agenda

                  let's give you the benefit of the doubt and more closely examine what is obviously the most compromised source here. this is the cia cutout's (shitty and completely unprofessional) paper from this year. they'd probably lose funding if they put something as damning as actual independence vs status quo numbers out there so they decided to go with plausibly deniable second order opinion sets and STILL get blown the fuck out

                  just take the L dude, taiwanese are completely cognizant of the fact they're being primed to be the next ukraine and most of them understandably want no part of that

                  • iie [they/them, he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    I've never heard of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation. It's hard to find info about it.

                  • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    You're putting Chinese character as if anyone here know how to read it.

                    The only thing in the website you linked show this:


    • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Almost like the reason some of the population is because they stole from the Chinese people and fled to the island when the people fought back. The oppressor doesn’t deserve to get to pick to be independent

    • silent_water [she/her]
      1 year ago

      do you know the history of how the KMT became the ROC or are you asking loaded questions without any knowledge of the history?

    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      a group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate

      No they don't. You are just flat out fucking wrong.


        • Awoo [she/her]
          1 year ago

          No it isn't. The status quo is that Taiwan is a region of China, independently governed. This is the case for MANY places around the world, here in the UK for example we have Scottish and Welsh governments, independent of the UK government. Scotland has its own parliament. Does that make it independent? Fuck no it doesn't and there's no mechanism for it to leave either.

          There are MORE people in Scotland that want Scottish independence than Taiwan. Chew on that for a bit.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              1 year ago

              This is semantics. You're playing with the difference between independent as a country and independent in governance, two different things. You're not participating in good faith, as per usual.

              • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                And my original comment was based on "separatism" which includes independent governance. Most Taiwanese hate China either way.

                • Awoo [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  No it fucking doesn't, because that's what it is right fucking now. You can't be a "separatist" if you already have that. You're just a status quo-ist.

                  Fuck me talking to nazis hurts, you're all unbelievably uneducated.

      • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Uh, yes? I don't support the blatant invasion and warcrimes by Russia but I can recognize Ukraine has a fascist problem too.

        • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Wait, do you support Donbas self rule or not? Are they not allowed to invite their ally (Russia) to support them militarily in a war of aggression by their neighbor, Ukraine?

            • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
              1 year ago

              How should Russia have defended their allies, the DPR and LPR without attacking their aggressor's supply lines?

              Can you think of any wars in which both participants didn't attack least try to attack military supply chains?

            • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I did, but then I also read the rest of your comment, which muddied things a lot.

              You're getting pretty damn hostile and evasive about this.

              • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                Muddied? There's this thing called "nuance." I support Donbas independence, I simply don't think it gives Russia the right to invade anywhere outside of Donbas, is that that complicated to understand?

                • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  So if you invade another country and as part of their defense of their country, their military enters your country, they're now the aggressors?

                  Do you apply that principal to all conflicts, or only against enemies of the West?

                    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      They've been shelling and raiding the Donbas, which you consider to be independent, for about 9 years.

                      Surely you are aware of this, it's pretty essential background on a political topic that you are highly opinionated about.

                      • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                        1 year ago

                        So let me get this straight: if the US/Canada were hostile with each other, and the people of Alberta, Canada, were separatists that allied themselves with the US, but the Canadian government refused to recognize Alberta's sovereignty, you would support a full-scale, deadly American invasion of Canada?

                        • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
                          1 year ago

                          What an awful analogy that misses any sort of context or nuance about the situation.

                          That's the problem with liberals like you, that you think things can be understood by imagining it as something superficially similar.

                          Do you understand what historical materialism is?

                        • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          To be clear, to be a true analog the province needs to be an ethnic minority which is being targeted by the national government.

                          Say Alberta was the only majority English speaking province, and Ottawa started putting up statues of a Quebecois terrorist leader from 80 years ago who lead the massacre of 100k English speakers and allied with Hitler during WW2, then they announced that English would be banned from all government facilities including primary schools, and when Alberta tried to secede they sent Nazi paramilitary death squads to harass them and started bombing them daily.

                          At that point, if the US interceded and went past the Albertan border to attack other military targets in Canada, you would consider that a war of aggression by America against Canada and not them defending their ally, Alberta?

                          • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                            1 year ago

                            At that point, if the US interceded and went past the Albertan border to attack other military targets in Canada, you would consider that a war of aggression by America against Canada and not them defending their ally, Alberta?

                            If America's massacring civilians in Ottawa and Toronto? Yes, of course I would. Any sane person would. Stay in Alberta.

                            You people call yourselves anti-war? I think you're the real liberals here.

                            • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              What number of civilians have to die before your defensive war is an unacceptable war of aggression now?

                              Did the Allied counter offensive against the Nazis come in below that number? How about the Union during the US civil war?

                        • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          If I considered it justified for the US to enter the war on the side of the separatists, I would absolutely say that it is then justified for the US to invade Canada proper.

                • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  When 99.9% of people who unironically use the word tankie, and think that 'fascist' means 'anything I don't like', also fiercely oppose Donbas independence, and when the one I'm talking to is also refusing to just give a clear answer, I'm not about to say I'm in the wrong for asking some clarifying questions.

                  Also, why doesn't it give Russia the right to invade? Was it wrong for the allies to invade Germany proper during WW2?

                  • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    when the one I’m talking to is also refusing to just give a clear answer

                    I very clearly said I supported their independence, but okay.

                    Also, why doesn’t it give Russia the right to invade?

                    So let me get this straight, you support civilians being massacred and innocent lives being lost? You really think Ukraine is on the same level of Nazi fucking Germany? Honestly I wouldn't even much of a problem if they just invaded Donbas but they're invading the whole fucking country and causing so much death and destruction. How is that justified? How can you call yourself anti-war and anti-imperialism and justify a brutal invasion? Some true colors being shown...

                    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      I very clearly said I supported their independence, but okay.

                      But you are clearly being deceitful, just in this comment you basically admit that you don't actually support their independence.


                      Honestly I wouldn't even much of a problem if they just invaded Donbas

                      The DPR and LPR invited Russia. How could they have "just invaded Donbas."

                      Please explain

                      A) The Donbas isn't really independent and you consider it Ukrainian property. (Surely not, you insist that this isn't the case) B) You consider soldiers who are in a foreign country to be invaders regardless of the relationship of the two states? (Can't be this or the US is invading half the planet right this second, including Taiwan) C) ???

                      Please enlighten us.

                      This isn't even getting into the point that multiple people made that you've ignored for half an hour, that once you're in a war with someone who wants to conquer you, sending your soldiers into their territory isn't an act of aggression, otherwise the US and the Soviets aggressed against the Nazis, which only an actual Nazi would claim.

                      (To be clear, I don't think you're a Nazi, just an intellectually dishonest liberal).

                    • panopticon [comrade/them]
                      1 year ago

                      you support civilians being massacred and innocent lives being lost?

                      no, this was why the people's republics of donetsk and luhansk invited military aid, and was the cause behind the Minsk agreements as well as Russia recognizing the Donbas republics

                    • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      I very clearly said I supported their independence, but okay.

                      You then added a lot of seeming qualifiers.

                      So let me get this straight, you support civilians being massacred and innocent lives being lost?

                      Please show me where I said this.

                      You really think Ukraine is on the same level of Nazi fucking Germany?

                      Please show me where I said this.

                      How can you call yourself anti-war and anti-imperialism

                      Please show me where I said this.

                      Some true colors being shown...

                      The true colours of yourself, having to lie about me to make your point.

    • edge [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I bet you don't feel the same about separatism in Catalonia, Donbas, Kurdistan, or the Zapatistas.

      Literally none of those are imperialism. Imperialism isn’t having a region want independence. Do you think Scotland not being allowed to have a vote is imperialism?

      • CatholicSocialist@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        I think all regions deserve self-autonomy determined by democratic referendums, unlike the tankies that think the Republic of China should be re-annexed...

            • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
              1 year ago

              It doesn't seem like you do given you referred to the current war as an invasion by Russia and Ukraine has been shelling it's neighbors the LPR and DPR for nearly a decade.

              Can you clarify why Russia shouldn't be involved in the war between Ukraine and its smaller neighbors?

            • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              So you oppose the Ukranian puppet government's use of fascist militias to commit ethnic cleansing there?

                • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                  1 year ago

                  That's good, so do I. But there are other people, people wearing totenkopfs and firing mortars into town squares full of people they call cockroaches for the language they speak, who feel quite differently than us. What is your solution to this, so that peace and democracy can prevail?