This knob is aaalll up in the replies corn cobbing, quite entertaining

Shoutout to for their excellent effortpost response. Always good to remember in situations like this, going to the effort to actually refute and answer and educate is important not to fix the dweeb they are responding to, but so that anyone else who comes to see the interaction can see the stark difference between bullshit and the slightest research


    11 months ago

    I think what bothered me the most about him (even more than the genocide apologia), was the absolutely unshakeable smug American exceptionalism. He was certain that the world couldn't do anything without the US, and we should all just be grateful for what we have.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      11 months ago

      Okay, look. The CIA did a lot of bad things to south america. But that was in the 60s, a lifetime ago! And they probably thought they were doing good stuff, they were hard men living in hard times! Things are different now, and the US Government deserves our uncritical rabid devotion!

      edit: this is not parody, I am paraphrasing stuff this person was actually saying

        11 months ago

        this is not parody, I am paraphrasing stuff this person was actually saying

        Oh, I'm well aware. I wanted to put my pointiest stiletto right through his tongue. He's probably also one of the charming people who insist that colonisation made life better for the natives.

        • AOCapitulator [they/them]
          11 months ago

          You did well o7

          The comment was more for our friends who never ever ever click on links and only know about context if people post it in the comments

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        11 months ago

        The CIA did some horrible stuff, but come on, that was the 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s! That was the iPhone 2 era!

    • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      TIL the ghost of Madeleine Albright has possessed someone and is now posting from beyond the grave

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      11 months ago

      It's true, before the founding of the US everyone starved to death, lying about in fields wondering what the hell these fat turnips were.