This knob is aaalll up in the replies corn cobbing, quite entertaining

Shoutout to for their excellent effortpost response. Always good to remember in situations like this, going to the effort to actually refute and answer and educate is important not to fix the dweeb they are responding to, but so that anyone else who comes to see the interaction can see the stark difference between bullshit and the slightest research


  • duderium [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Isn’t “virtue signaling” a term fascists use? I think this might be a fascist, not a liberal, although both suck.

    • loathesome
      11 months ago

      Virtue signalling can be a valid non-reactionary critique at times (for examplr the :liberalism: emoji). But yeah conservatives tend to use it more often. Since they are morally bankrupt sadists even surface-level positive changes piss them off.

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        11 months ago

        This may be the ultimate example of Virtue Signaling™ Ive ever seen. Insead of doing their jobs as legislators and creating legislation to fight injustice, without even pretending to try, they don parody level racist "african culture" scarfs, and then to 'honor' George Floyd they reenact the way in which he was murdered for a fucking photo op.

        added bonus, half of them then struggle badly to get back to their feet after kneeling, a great dog and pony gerontocracy show