• a_jug_of_marx_piss [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Some people seem to think china is very reactionary. Luckily for us, they do a lot of polling, so we can find out how true this is. Here is a study from 2016:

    Being LGBTI in China – A National Survey on Social Attitudes towards Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression. 2016. United Nations Development Programme.

    Some highlights:

    Over 60 % of all age groups think that all sexual and gender minorities are fit for raising children.

    38.6 % of post '90s people are strongly against the gender binary.

    "Non-minorities generally argue that minorities should be entitled to all types of social services. They reach a particularly high consensus on equal treatment of minorities with regard to economic rights."

    While things are obviously not perfect for minorities, we should take care not to dehumanize chinese people when talking about these things. Especially as there seems to be a big propaganda campaing attempting to do so.

      • a_jug_of_marx_piss [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The 60 % figure is from Figure 6. There seem to be some contradictions in the study, possibly due to translation errors?

        The point I was trying to make was not that China is somehow a socially liberal paradise. I just think it is important to understand that China too is undergoing a cultural process and not somehow essentially conservative.

    • CoralMarks [he/him]
      4 years ago

      38.6 % of post '90s people are strongly against the gender binary.

      I don't even want to know what that number is throughout the EU and the US.

      • a_jug_of_marx_piss [he/him]
        4 years ago

        According to this 49 % of americans of ages 19-29 think "society is not accepting enough of people who don't identify as a man or a woman", which is a much weaker claim than being "strongly against the gender binary".

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        If what is meant by "post 90's" is zoomers, then probably not that bad. Younger people are way more accepting usually.