• Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    Good question. I looked into it, they seem actually as of now, about as progressive in LGBT rights as Japan and better than most other Asian countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Asia

    Still not enough imho. Sidenote: pretty interesting that israel actually has the best gay rights in the region eh? Even though they're doing hella imperialist colonizing and war crimes? really makes u thonk

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, that's exactly it. My thoughts are that the western culture was accidentally forced into doing the right thing with gay rights when they can profit it off it (see: allowing gay marriage when it got popular, and putting on rainbows on all their products but still not paying for gender transitional care), and that equality has been mined to show how free we are. Just like with how MLK is celebrated in the US - streets named after him, it's a holiday and so on - but then we still imprison black people by the millions and do nothing about police violence. Gay rights in a country seems to mostly just indicate the amount of gay rights and not much else. Obviously they are still very important! I'm gay nonbinary so i care pretty deeply about this lol.

    • bug [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      are u... are u defending imperialism on the basis of said imperialist country having more LGBT rights? Also, China has worker protections for LGBT people that are stronger than worker protections in pretty much every capitalist country.

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        i said both that China needs more LGBT rights and that Israel is doing war crimes, i'm not sure where you got "imperialism good" from my statement

        • bug [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          "pretty interesting that israel actually has the best gay rights in the region eh? Even though they’re doing hella imperialist colonizing and war crimes? really makes u thonk" this statement makes it seem like ur defending an imperialist country on the basis of it having more LGBT rights, is that not true? if it isn't, it's not clear at all what you meant.

          • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
            4 years ago

            literally just read 2 comments down fam, i explained how gay rights in capitalist countries are just the woke porky emoji and don't indicate anything more than woke capitalism

            • bug [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              yea good call out, didn't read the whole thread i ont really enjoy reddit browsing. that's my b

              • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
                4 years ago

                it's okay comrade, lol. I get it and can see why you read it that way. I was trying to be satirical like it was some impossible mystery to solve but i don't think that came across that way