• grilledSoldier [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Okay, yeah i know its really complicated to find out the underlying political agenda. And i honestly just dont have the time to check every source this indepth. I thought that maybe you have already done the analysis on some media outlets, so that there would be some known to be atleast somewhat acceptable.

    Soo .. idk, shall i try to find some more sources? I know of the official diplomatic complaints though and imo, based on how much chinese investion money is flowing into the complaining countries, it would be unreasonable for these governments to issue complaints without a proper reason. There may honestly also be a framework of competitive elites at place in some of the complaining countries, that would make us influence into these complaints more likely again, but i cant find a concrete list on what the countries are exactly rn (so i could check these countries' characteristics).