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    • RindlessWatermelon [they/them,he/him]
      4 years ago

      some cops do genuinely join to help people and are not immoral people, at least not at the start. Arguably they are corrupted later on, though.

      That's in line with the most police abolitionist position. The problem isnt that only psychopaths join, its just that some truly evil people arent prevented from joining and that the institution of policing motivates that other officers protect them. A cop that genuinely engages with the community, never arrests a non-violent offender, and deescelates all situations, if one exists is still a bastard if they cover for cops who don't.

      Joining the cops doesn't make you a bad person, but not being kicked out for fighting corruption kinda does.

    • Rui [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Why do you say that China will never be a hegemon? They seem to have bought so much important infrastructure here in europe, like docks and the portuguese electricity company, for instance.

    • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Random acts of individual violence like shooting random cops is bad and counter productive both morally and strategically.

      I can see how this isn't very benefitial to us. But I dont see why its detrimental, especially morally. A lot of people liked that two cops got [redacted] in L****ville.