StarMelter [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • StarMelter [he/him]tomainHmmmm
    4 years ago

    "Critical analysis" is not "shitting on them". Any socialist (or, hell, anyone interested in politics at all) should be critical about everything they believe in.

  • StarMelter [he/him]tomainMacron is a stochastic terrorist
    4 years ago

    tbf I think it is wrong to entirely remove agency from the killers themselves. It's not like even 1% of Muslims see a picture of Mohammed like that and are instantly put into a murderous frenzy, you have to be a specific level of zealous, unempathetic, and sectarian to react with violence to it. That isn't to say "the French government has done nothing wrong", but it is to say Salafi-Jihadism is an original, unique approach of philosophy and ideology that exists in its own right and not solely as a response to western governments, and the actors adhering to it are consciously doing so not some automatons reacting to stimuli like a cell or something.

  • StarMelter [he/him]tonewsWoman beheaded in Nice , France
    4 years ago

    Is there Islamophobia in France? Yes

    Is the regime bigoted? Yes

    Has France committed atrocities? Absolutely

    Are the cartoons distasteful? Yes

    But none of above can justify violence against innocent people.

    Individual perpetrator always had choice not to respond violently