Just a wee bit of fun I came up with searching for discourse.
Become a journalist and write an article in CNN, maybe I'll read it then.
I'm sorry, the only people I take seriously are
Checks notes
Tucker Carlson, Eric Ericson, and Glenn Beck
That’s a roundabout way to say “I believe whatever the government tells me”
Join an organization whose primary purpose is selling ad time to generate shareholder value and frequently does this by appeasing the MIC and political power structures to retain access to them to maintain the illusion of legitimacy, then I'll know I can trust your information to be unbiased and worthy of my consideration!
I remember not so long ago CNN published an article based on an interview with a woman who "defected" from the DPRK and was working as a stage actor in South Korea.
The article opens with describing her sitting in the dressingroom of a theatre getting her makeup done, and telling the interviewer that she was so happy she could finally wear red lipstick as in the DPRK the color red is banned because the regime says it represents capitalism.
Someone remind me, what color makes up like 70% of the DPRK flag?
So yeah CNN is clearly a very serious "news" outlet.
Why China banned the letter ’N’
it's because Nick Mullen was granted a tourist visa
Liberals know it’s bullshit, they go along with it because they want the DPRK to be a 1984 shithole and are complicit in any deception that serves that purpose
Become a journalist and write an article in CNN, maybe I’ll read it then.
This can't be real...
ShowI can ctrl-c and ctrl-v a state department memo with the best of them. Notice me, senpai!
People should listen to opinions other than the one they agree with. It doesn't mean they have to change their mind, they might find it is not persuasive enough to convince them. But if it is, they have to allow themselves to become convinced, if they are to be honest.
Chud opinions always invariably circle back to thoughtless racism or antisemitism and this is somehow sufficiently persuasive to be permanently thought-terminating for a third of the population. Liberal opinions always boil down to classism or imperialism when push comes to shove. Perhaps it's time to stop caring about opinions and start dealing in facts.
The issue is that most liberals, when faced with objective reality, still refuse to accept facts and double down on their bullshit. Same as chuds (who are also liberals)
Everyone, in general. In this particular case, the people you're dunking on are the people not listening, so I'm preaching to them.
I think the majority or at least plurality of us are members here for that very reason. The archetypal hexbear poster was a bernie lib who found the chapo sub at some point and argued with principled anti-imperialists until they were convinced that so-called America is the great satan.
Yeah that's true. I tend to read a lot and form my own opinions afterwards.