They were pretty apolitical till coronavirus hit. Now my dad thinks it’s way overblown and they’ve bought into the media narrative that Antifa is literally committing terror attacks. I called my mom today and told her I went to the Breonna Taylor protest in LA and she said that if she hadn’t have been hanging out with drug dealers that wouldn’t have happened to her. It really makes me not even want to come and visit them anymore.

  • garbology [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Tell them of your own stories of police harassment. If you remember being in the car with them when they were harassed by cops, remind them of those. Have they ever raised their voices or fought with you or each other? Remind them that they were one wellness check from a concerned neighbor away from the same situation that killed Breonna. Remind them that the FBI reports regularly show that the police are completely infiltrated by white supremacists.

    Did your mother or anyone she know go to the gigantic women's march? Insist that the BLM protest marches are no more violent than that was, and that antifa defends those marches from literal Nazis like the Proud Boys, the KKK and TWP. Maybe link Cornell West's interview where he mentions his life was saved by antifa during the Charlottesville "Unite the Right". If it helps, mention he was holed up in a church that antifa defended.

    • sandinista209 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I have been trying but they’ve definitely always been pro cop. When I argue for defunding the police they’re convinced that it means getting rid of police entirely, which is something I’d like but I know they’ll have a harder time agreeing with. I’m definitely not done trying to steer them in a better direction.

      • Waylander [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        A good line of attack for pro-cop folks, I've found, is to talk about how much of what they do is a waste of their precious time. "Why are we training people to handle violence, gangs, murderers and rapists, riot control, and so on, and then getting them to hand out speeding fines or hassle folks over a gram of weed? They have important work to be doing. We're basically taking soldiers and making them act like babysitters, instead of hiring a bunch of babysitters to do that part of the work."

        (They're not actually being trained for that sort of thing, but pro-police folks refuse to believe that)

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        When I argue for defunding the police they’re convinced that it means getting rid of police entirely

        Try something along the lines of "someone giving out traffic tickets and breaking up noisy parties doesn't need a gun."