• xxtrash [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Forgot to add one more thing: Access

    Thanks to America's poor urban design there are many areas in America where there are 'food deserts' where the only options are tiny convenience stores that carry overpriced, prepackaged garbage. For many poor Americans you have to take a car trip (gas) or bus trip (time/money/limited carry space) to get food. Shopping daily isn't an option. You have to buy food that lasts, which also makes buying fresh food less incentivizing, because fresh food spoils and spoiled food means wasted money.

    I remember visiting europe in the early 2000's and I was shocked at how there were small grocery stores everywhere. That doesn't happen in America unless you live in the city, and good luck w/that with the way rent is in urban areas.

    America Sucks Shit thank you for reading my Ted Talk.