They don't believe in moderation, equal opportunity, or whatever. Not the way conservatives BELIEVE in guns, freedom, and fucking winning. If dems even dreamed of picking a justice with 55 days left, the tea party would reunite into a voltron of armed riots patrolling the white house, mouths frothing, and fox news amplifying their valiant efforts 24/7. That's because they really BELIEVE in that shit. Nothing can stop the folks who believe.

Remember when libs gave up on Gore cause they didnt wanna look like sore losers? Is that the behavior of a fucking freedom fighter? Someone on the right side of history? There's no conviction!

Meanwhile, dems can't bring themselves to pass some basic procedural obfuscation, things like impeachment, fast track measures, or force a quorum in the senate (all of this from a leaked memo.) All off which Mitch Mcconnell would do in a fucking milodecond. Mitch would go down swinging. Mitch BELIEVES in his cause.

But not libs, not them. They don't believe.

  • Shmyt [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    Liberalism hinges on the masses pulling each other downwards for ever expressing belief or faith in anything; if liberals believed in anything they would not still be liberals. The hopelessness in neoliberal capitalism is a built-in feature to tear down the ability to find hope or solace in anything so no one is willing to go against the system.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Liberalism is all about preserving the system and the status quo. They truly believe that the system we have here is a real democracy and that all they need to do is tweak some things here and there and add more rules to make it better and fix the system. In other words, they propose band-aid solutions which they slap over the problems instead of dismantling a system that causes those problems to begin with. Liberals are 100% to blame why we are here on the edge of fascism, cause for the past 40+ years, they have wanted to play by the rules and legitimize the right while pushing real left policy to the fringe.

    Just look at how smug they are and talk down to people they see as being below them. They can't help but smugly talk down to minorities and poor people so condescendingly. They're always lecturing POC about who they should vote for and the smug quotes like "if you don't, then you work against your own interests". As for poor people, they just mock us and assume we vote Republican if we're white. If it's not poor people, they have to dehumanize prisoners and former convicts who suffer from a prison industrial system that they defend and think is A-OK cause it's part of the system. The West Wing is a crash course on smug liberalism. There was a reason those stupid "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS libs" videos would get millions of views. People in general see their smugness and don't enjoy being talked down to.

    You can see all of this with liberals from the Obama era. They ignored police brutality back then and the racism with events like the Ferguson shooting, Baltimore riots, Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner. They ignored all this, cause at the end of the day, they had elected a black man to two presidential terms, so in their minds racism was solved.

    The difference between liberals and conservatives is that libs legitimately love their party and will go along with it. Conservatives on the other hand, really don't even like their own party and only continue to vote Republican as a way to put the gays back in the closet, go after minorities and stick it to poor people. That's why when a Republican is out of office or they dare trying to reach across the aisle in their last year, the GOP base voters drop them like a brick in water and move on to the next ghoul who promises to hurt the people they hate. This is why they love Trump. It's been 4 years and libs still haven't figured it out. They love him cause he says the quiet parts out loud and promises to go after and hurt the people that conservatives hate.