Seriously Trump is an awful person. But let's get real, the truly awful actor(s) in this saga isn't Trump, it's the GOP and the DNC. Trump doesn't write legislation, he doesn't even really have an internal political identity, no doubt he doesn't want to be involved in formal politics, because frankly he'd find it boring and he would suck at it and I expect the feeling is reciprocated by the GOP. The point is he doesn't really give a shit, he's a PR god that plays golf half his time and just wants his ego stroked.

I like how the GOP administration has bent the rules so far people are worried that Trump could become a dictator - without actually breaking the rules. But the fact that democracy was so detached from American voters has... always been the case, at least in our lifetimes. Trump just exposed it in such an ugly way that the political establishment taddled on itself by talking about it, but refuses to fix it.

And this is the important thing, the electorate is shaken. Half of them want to prevent this from ever happening again, and non voters will share similar sentement, but this is the new normal now. Biden's only goal is to kick the can down the road. The US as we have known it is mostly gone. Shifted into a new era. Biden is the 'we can pretend it isn't happening for the next 4 years' candidate before the hydra comes back with a 2nd head.

Why is this an inevitably? Because the proposal to stop dictatorship and run a democracy is equally at odds with the DNC administration as it is to the GOP. They're not touching the electoral college, SCOTUS, lobbying, corperate subsidies and a provide weak opposition to voter suppression ( only because its their ticket in). There are of course many more issues that subvert democracy in the US. None of which the DNC propose to touch, they're goal is simply to act palatable, weave a few stitches to the social safety net that is largely on fire and will instead inherit the powers of a dictatorship and use it with 'dignity' and 'good faith'.

They're in a similar position to any oil company. So long as they can suppress opposition and create a positive narrative they can hang on to the coat tails of power and exploit the short term gains within a lethal and shrinking sector.

  • artangels [he/him]
    4 years ago

    an electoral choice of ten different fascists is like choosing which way one wishes to die. the holder of so-called public office is always merely an extension of the hated ruling corporate class. it is to our benefit that this person be openly hostile, despotic, unreasoning. - George jackson