im at 15hours and starting to get a smidge of racing thoughts and excesss sweeting

  • FearsomeJoeandmac [he/him, he/him]
    1 month ago

    Ive been through kratom withdrawal before. Been doing this opiate thing a long time. i just was never sure when the withdrawals truly set in.

    I feel like it is probably about 15 hours when ill start getting mild symptoms though

    How was sub withdrawal? Not nearly as intense as Heroin or Fent withdrawal. It was just longer with more sweating. A step up from kratom withdrawal as far as intensity of symptoms. The bad part was how long it was.

    At least 3 weeks for that bullshit to be 90% gone.

    yeah this nurse was a woman i dont want to call her a bitch, but she was... and a rude rude piece of shit. She asked me a bunch of shit thats not her business and then basically told me to suck it up grab a blanket and check into detox.

    that shit is patient abandonment as far as im concerned