Overanalyzing would be saying: "Despite all the incentives to win, despite the boatload of money spent on winning, and despite literally every Democrat saying how much they want to win, here's why they actually don't want to win."
Wanting to win implicitly means doing the most/best you can.
If you think Joe Biden is the best democratic presidential candidate available to beat Trump back in March then be my guest.
There is an obvious reason we have this walking corpse as a candidate.
Overanalyzing would be saying: "Despite all the incentives to win, despite the boatload of money spent on winning, and despite literally every Democrat saying how much they want to win, here's why they actually don't want to win."
Exhibit #1
Wanting to win implicitly means doing the most/best you can. If you think Joe Biden is the best democratic presidential candidate available to beat Trump back in March then be my guest. There is an obvious reason we have this walking corpse as a candidate.
Not at all; see my example about getting food while high. People want to do all sorts of things without doing everything they can to make it happen.