It's a matter of distance, if someone is like 40 or so feet away, that's a door hold, any further is outside of reasonable unless they're carrying stuff. It's nice but also if there's a crowd, it's efficient, everyone having to individually open a door that's closing on them slows things down and it's just a pill for everybody. If it's a big enough crowd do.thar thing where you kinda pass the door hold off to the next person behind you and move on.
Nah lol it's awkward. I can open the door, it's helpful only if one party is carrying something that might make it difficult.
It's a matter of distance, if someone is like 40 or so feet away, that's a door hold, any further is outside of reasonable unless they're carrying stuff. It's nice but also if there's a crowd, it's efficient, everyone having to individually open a door that's closing on them slows things down and it's just a pill for everybody. If it's a big enough crowd do.thar thing where you kinda pass the door hold off to the next person behind you and move on.