Disgusting pony fascists, spreading over true art and divinity.
its called multitasking. im doing homework + this atm. its a bit difficult with the shorter timers near 0,0 but longer timers its very easy to multitask
imagine being so horny for a fucking cartoon horse you do this lmao
yeah i dunno, i helped undo the swastika a couple weeks back and all, but who has the time to duke it out with bronies doing pixel art? do you know how much bronie pixel art there is on the internet? this is a loss.
and sucks. thirty seconds to draw a single pixel that will immediately get undone with fucking ads the whole time? naw dude.
i couldn't even figure out a way to cheat it with a vpn.
pls put it in the spot we moved it to. not where it used to be D:
see this for reference bear is better
edit: it's also this one in Laszlo's post.
I wish you'd keep your shit opinions to your skull quarantine zone, but here we are.
Religion is the opium of the people. Worship always start with good intention, and always end up with a big bunch of people killed & exploited.
@QuillQuote are all of your users so insanely negative and unfriendly?
I built that mural and spent many hours on it alongside many people here.
It is very disrespectful to plow over people's work, I had no part in infringing on whatever pony shit you're talking about.
Hey man I ain't in charge. You guys pissed of an actual autistic mob of horseporn enthusiasts. Now they're chomping at the bit (lol) to just cover up commie stuff. But calling them fascists is a bit of a stretch. I don't know many skinheads to talk about holding hooves with their waifus, and putting babies inside horses.
Hey man i'm just the messenger here to watch the whole shitshow. Just laying it out like it is. Your going on about some weird WW3 ebul nazi's vs redscare showdown. I'm just saying it ain't like that. It's redpixel larpers vs horse fanfiction writers.
uh oh my down doots are ticking. At least say something when you do it, i don't know a funny quip, some slightly-racist-but-in-a-upper-middleclass-white-kid-kinda-way joke. Atleast try guys.