I went from being a happy kid that smiled all the time, enjoyed drawing and had several friends to a pathetic adult with no talents, passion, creativity, friends or a job. Just a worthless and unlovable failure. And recently it's gotten so bad that I've started cutting myself and contemplating suicide. I just don't believe I have what it takes to get my life together, sadly.

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    30 days ago

    Yeah, I know this feeling all too well. Sometimes I look back and just ask myself, what happened? On a logical level of course I know what happened, capitalism, the death of the community and all that. But on a more spiritual level, what happened?

    I've contemplated suicide at many times in my life. It's a hard thing to get through. There's not much I have to say other than I really empathize with you. I don't really have much practical advice since I don't know your situation, but I will say when I get like that, I like to just say "fuck it," and let my life fall apart for a bit, give myself a rest from having to maintain everything. Figure out the most important thing and just focus on that, everything else can be dealt with when you get a little more stability. As long as you're surviving, you know eating and sleeping at least a bit, it's okay to just live like a bum for a while. Focus on not cutting yourself, focus on getting a job, or maybe just sit around and think and try to plan out a way forward from this roadblock you're at. Idk, whatever you think is most important.

    That's what I do, not sure if that helps, but I really do empathize with you. Just remember, whatever you do, you haven't failed at life, you can never fail at life.

    also here have some of the good Israel