"stop showing me the horrors" stop supporting the horrors. stop lending credence to the people doing the horrors. stop trying to block out the horrors. stop trying to unfocus your brain from the horrors because it's no longer in your interest to face them. you do not get a second of peace. you want to forget this is happening. you will not be allowed to forget. you do not get that privilege when you are an active launderer of monsters.

you will either develop empathy for the victims and indignity towards the machine or you will be made to feel guilty for your abettance of it with the last shreds of empathy you have. if you are ever, ever made ignorant of what exactly you are supporting, it is imperative that you are fucking Ludovico'd with the consequences of your ideology until your cognitive dissonance is hammered away and you fall with a side that exists in reality, you mealy-mouthed fence-sitting war-criminal-hosting spineless piece of shit.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    1 month ago

    Trauma can absolutely be politically useful, just look at how Trump's ptsd is fucking up his campaign; he's depressive, distracted, and lethargic, qualities we all want our enemies to have in abundance

    It's literally the concept of demoralization, which politically and historically is one of the most crucial ingredients for victory in practically any sphere of life, especially politics and class struggle

    We want our enemies to be unstable, depressed and anxious, it increases the chances of them miscalculating and making mistakes which in turn increases the opportunities to oppose their genocidal intentions