Over 12 million came out to vote for this boy. Another ~2000 and we would have been one step closer to a just world... I'm not crying.
Let's be honest Corbyn was never going to be allowed to do his thing even if he won
woah hey you cant just tell me electoralism making any kind of difference is a pipe dream like that.
so rude.
You don't understand, the United KKKingdom has a parliamentary system, it hits different
yeah no totally, let me just... let me just pull the vote lever one more time... im sure this time ill win that big nacho socialist extremist jackpot...
ding ding flashing lights ding ding
three mismatched symbols
ah shit. maybe... maybe just one more vote?
I mean this is exactly why they would never let him in. You can't have him exposing the royal family for what they really are:
Lizards 🦎
I gotta get something off my chest...
oooooooof ok. It's my fault, I broke everything. I made a super cringe meme on r/CTH about emigrating to Corbyngrad and he lost the next day. Ur welcome anglos.