
Dude just loves riling himself up into a frenzy, doesn’t he? I guess he was mad that Hasan was going to interview Obama, which never even happened, and now he thinks Hasan is a “genocide supporter” because a random YouTube clip he came across that said “Hasan supports Kamala’s policies”, which he never even watched and was most likely just clipped. Hasan isn’t perfect, but fuck, you think at least him going to the DNC as a journalist would be considered fair from BE. Wild.

  • footfaults [none/use name]
    23 days ago

    Or maybe you meant Hasan is following in AOC's footsteps in some other way?

    As I said, he spends some time critiquing Democratic policies but is also still trying to stay acceptable to the Democratic party overall, since that's who his audience is. Eventually he will get co-opted just like AOC did.

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      23 days ago

      Hasan can't have it both ways where he's an "outsider" that gets kicked out of the Convention for saying some stuff on stream that made the DNC or Donors angry, but then also had spent all that time trying to get into the Convention in the first place so he could stream from the Convention and attract as many Democratic party hogs who wanted to watch the convention via Twitch.

      What is wrong with advocating for Palestinian emancipation with other protestors outside the DNC, inside the DNC, and with the Uncommitted movement outside the DNC, and then getting kicked out for it?

      The statement is pretty vague, do you have a specific example of something Hasan did or said at or outside of the DNC that you take issue with?

      • Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, he/him]
        23 days ago

        don't bother their analysis is purely vibes based and completely uninformed. theres a huge difference between AOC stanning for kid killer kamala and Hasan literally trying to infiltrate the DNC to provide a single pro-palestinian voice on the inside, and getting kicked out for interviewing the excluded protestors and uncommmitted movement. literally just watch a single stream or video of his, he is CONSTANTLY criticizing democrats, more often than republicans. its not just some kind of '''triangulation''' thing, hasan is literally doing what a journalist is supposed to do in this situation, bringing the pro palestine anti genocide message to people who would otherwise not have heard it. idk what idiot footfaults got this opinion from because it sure as shit didn't come from actually watching hasan.

        • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
          23 days ago

          what part of infiltrating the DNC to spread pro-palestine arguments requires him hugging the pod jons and giving AOC a platform to spew her bullshit

          • Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, he/him]
            23 days ago

            he explicitly says all the time that he is overly nice to people on camera even when he disagrees with them so that he can hopefully deprogram their followers. its like you don't understand the concept of media or propaganda, or are being intentionally obtuse.

            • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
              23 days ago

              the opposite is happening, his followers are being programmed to being more complacent and OK with podjons and DNC "progressives"

                • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                  23 days ago

                  have they? they've made half the people on a supposedly "leftist" forum defend statements like "he's on the fence about Kamala and waiting until she changes her mind on genocide to endorse her"

                  Like imagine saying something that stupid with a straight face. Never would have happened before Hasan

                  • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
                    23 days ago

                    have they?

                    yep. because they had an aoc in their hands and kicked her out of their convention.

                          • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
                            23 days ago

                            if the plan is to get someone's followers on the DNC agenda then they shouldn't kick that someone from the DNC. this is part of the rest of the conversation you're in, where some people feel that this streamer is the same type of careerist as AOC. i think it is self evident that if that was the case, then DNC wouldn't have kicked them out.

                            • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                              23 days ago

                              AOC was never kicked out of the DNC.

                              The Pod Jons invited Hasan into their room where he continued his stream (after hugging them), he wasn't kicked out merely his press credentials were revoked. If Hasan is so dangerous to the DNC, why would the fuckin DNC mascots the podjons be jerking off with him in their private cube?

                              The decrepit ghouls who run the DNC don't understand how important and influential Hasan was so they kicked him out. The savvier and smarter and younger pod jons saw what a fumble the DNC was doing by ostracizing a willing sheepdog, and instead called him in. There is an understanding among young media hustlers, one might call.... a network.

            • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
              23 days ago

              also, i think there's a fundamental disconnect from Hasan and his fans who see the DNC libs as annoying and misinformed but fundamentally OK people.

              I, and other hardline communists, see the US as a fourth reich and the DNC as little Nazi genocidal fucks. When I see someone who is supposed to be "on my side" cozying up with them and hugging them, I don't think "wow so glad he is de-radicalizing those fascists" I think "what the fuck is this rich shithead doing? Is he a traitor to our cause like all the other people who schmooze up to the nazis have been historically"

      • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
        23 days ago

        i take issue with him setting up interviews with AOC and hanging out with the Pod Jons and hugging them and doing networking

        • Walk_On [he/him]
          23 days ago

          I don’t take issue with him because he’s constantly attacking the dems, raising money for Palestine, was a guest on the Deprogram, and straight up said in a recent stream that “the revolution won’t be voted in”.

            • Walk_On [he/him]
              23 days ago

              What? lol

              I’m not even a rabid follower of his stuff and like I said in the OP, dude’s not perfect, but he isn’t nearly as bad as people talk about.

              • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                23 days ago

                nobody is perfect, this isn't a morality test. That's not what's being discussed.

                He's fundamentally harmful to marxism, just like almost all the other streamers are, because he spreads normalizing ideas about genocidal freaks like Democrats

      • footfaults [none/use name]
        23 days ago

        What is wrong with advocating for Palestinian emancipation with other protestors outside the DNC, inside the DNC, and with the Uncommitted movement outside the DNC, and then getting kicked out for it?

        I didn't say that was wrong. You are deliberately twisting what I said.

        What I was trying to highlight is that you can't hold that position, but then also try and be friendly with the Democratic Party enough that they give you a press pass (he claims they gave it to him by accident?!?). Like you have to acknowledge that can have a chilling effect on speech. Giving him access, there's a strong temptation to self-censor in order to not upset the Convention organizers. They eventually they kicked him out over the slightest of criticism anyway.

        So in the end, what serves the cause more? Trying to be on "good behavior" so you don't get kicked out (and get kicked out anyway)? Or being on the outside and demonstrating and not self censoring?

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      23 days ago

      lmao bro he's just a streamer. At least, unlike badempanada he doesn't spend half his time being insufferable and punching left and hating on every still standing socialist government while being an expat living a cushy life in south America by pandering to self hating western anti-communists that want to also act like the smartest most ultra left children online.

      fuck them both but fuck BadEmpanada more for larping like the most principled leftist ever while basically just being a whiny little twerp on the internet all the time.

      • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
        23 days ago

        lmao bro he's just a streamer.

        tell that to his defenders here, because half the comments are about how he is the vanguard of the revolution and doing heckin praxis

        You want your cake and eat it too. Is Hassan a serious political subject? Then he is open for criticism for being a radlib DNC bootlicker. Is he just a silly streamer? Then why are people here making these dumbass arguments about how he is working towards communism with twitch characteristics?

        • WhyEssEff [she/her]
          23 days ago

          half the comments are about how he is the vanguard of the revolution

          what vanguard? there's no vanguard in the anglosphere. Communism has no foothold in America. 0.000% of Communism has been built here dubois-depressed

          • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
            23 days ago

            tell that to the users in here talking about how much epic praxis he's doing (including you, who say he's a "pipeline"). If he's a "pipeline" then where that pipeline is dumping people out to is open to criticism. I don't see the point of moving people from one radlib camp to another, it's just celebrity parasocial shit combined with all the identitarian flavors of ideology to feel special. It's all radlib shit and it's actually damaging to any forming left because you have a bunch of would-be leftists in here making zionist-adjacent arguments filled with credulity like "He was on the fence about Kamala".

            Anybody who is "on the fence about Kamala" isn't a Marxist or is lying. Anybody in here defending that shit is so attached to his dick they can't think straight and are shrinking into a DNC progressive corncob

            • WhyEssEff [she/her]
              23 days ago

              he radicalized my brother, so I'm just speaking from experience. Let he (on the splinter site from their subreddit) who has never listened to Chapo Trap House throw the first stone emilie-shrug

              • footfaults [none/use name]
                23 days ago

                He has radicalized some people, which is GOOD but c'mon that doesn't shield him from critique.

                Like, even my critique of him is after watching a ton of his clips about the DNC and Kamala and Gaza but that doesn't make him impervious to critique.

                I'm not saying don't watch him, or that he's bad.

                • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                  23 days ago

                  100%. He’s not immune and he’s made some wack moves and has some wack views. I think some of the shit he did at the DNC and was unambiguously cringe, like the stuff with the PodJons. I think he did lend too much benefit-of-the-doubt to the Harris campaign, but has since course-corrected after her campaign was entirely disambiguated.

                  I just think his presence and role is an overall positive for the American socialist movement in the state it is, and my anecdotal experience shows him successfully moving people outside of the confines of liberalism, so I’m willing to lend him an assumption of good faith at the very least due to that.

                  • Nakoichi [they/them]
                    23 days ago

                    Don't bother with these nerds. Dickriding BadEmpanada is just a cringe as being a Hasan fan all these streamers can fuck off but if anyone is pretending someone is a vanguard it's these chucklefucks defending their favorite ultraleft settler streamer expat living off the backs of folks in the global south.

                    All these people desperately need to fucking touch grass.

              • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                23 days ago

                that's my line

                you guys are the ones defending the guy who streams 10 hours a day and has a bunch of children glued to their computers and phones

                • Nakoichi [they/them]
                  23 days ago

                  You're the one defending a dipshit streamer that does nothing but sit in his gamer chair and punch left more than anything else these days while trying to cosplay as the most principled leftist in the room and actually doing zero praxis IRL. At least Hasan doesn't pretend to be anything more than a pseudo-left himbo streamer.

                  Stay in your fuckin lane.

                  • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                    23 days ago

                    I never defended BE, lmao. Both of them are dumbasses and I hate all streamers. Please read closer next time

                    • Nakoichi [they/them]
                      23 days ago

                      You are literally doing that right now in this thread by endorsing his hypocritical comments about Hasan.

                      Both can get fucked but BE is objectively worse.

                      • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                        23 days ago

                        "endorsing his comments"

                        Lmao i'm just mocking Hasan for being a DNC shill. Just because some dumbass ultra also has that criticism doesn't make it wrong.

                        So whenever an ultra and a radlib are squabbling we have to pick a side apparently? How about they both shut the fuck up? Is that not an option? I'm not the one who decided to make a thread white-knighting one of the sides and filled it with radlib users making credulous dipshit arguments like "Hasan was on the fence about Kamala"

                        • Nakoichi [they/them]
                          23 days ago

                          I don't know anything about this it just looks like you picking a side between two random streamers. BE is worse from all I have ever seen what the fuck is your obsession here?

                          I could just as easily say BE and his anticommunist obsession is pro DNC.

                          Anyway I am done entertaining you.

        • Nakoichi [they/them]
          23 days ago

          I don't give a fuck about either of these people. It is you motherfuckers that have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with a dipshit settler streamer.

          • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
            23 days ago

            my "unhealthy relationship" is i want them to go away and for you people to shut the fuck up about them and stop posting drama about them here and stop embarrassing yourself making arguments on their behalf

            • Nakoichi [they/them]
              23 days ago

              I want them both to go away. You defending the one is why you are so fucking cringe. I am not defending Hasan I literally never watch him, I am begging you people to stop defending the shit stirring clout chasing settler expat. Fuck off.