Source is this

I tried to look it up to see if the U.S. is in the details I didn't have to look far because the first thing you'll find searching them up is:

The Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) is self-described as "a U.S. Department of Defense institution established and funded by Congress for the study of security issues relating to Africa and serving as a forum for bilateral and multilateral research, communication, and exchange of ideas involving military and civilian participants."

  • Awoo [she/her]
    21 days ago

    Fascinating how none of these maps ever have the US or literally any european countries on them.

    Are we to believe that those states AREN'T engaging in propaganda and psyops campaigns abroad?

    The word "disinformation" itself is clearly a shibboleth. Used solely by the nato countries to refer to the propaganda and psyops efforts of their enemies but never to themselves.

    This map itself is disinformation.

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      21 days ago

      none of these maps ever have the US or literally any european countries on them.

      I think the worst part is Americans and Europeans actually believe their own spy agencies aren't...well....spying. Every country on the planet has spies. Some of them are more disruptive than others (CIA, MI5/6, and Mossad being prime examples). We spy on other people, they spy on us.

      Even in the private sector, companies spy on one another. There's money to be made and lost. Of course they're going to run disinformation campaigns about other companies (this is like 99% of advertising). And they have people leaking company secrets a.k.a. insider trading.

      But no. It's totally only the bad countries who spy on other people. We totally don't have an entire department that's a monetary black hole doing evil shit.