It started getting spammed on /pol/ a couple of days ago and they were absolutely powerless because they couldn't prove it wrong. They literally resorted to either making shitty "no u" edits or doxxing themselves to show how totally not poljack they look, it's fucking incredible

  • Pickle_Lenin [any]
    4 years ago

    Basically a little while back someone on leftypol made a wojak edit to make fun of people who go on pol for looking the exact same, which is the pic I posted. It remained a pretty small in-joke on leftypol and other leftist spaces, but finally a few days ago it started to really catch on after some people started actually posting it on pol, essentially creating a feedback loop of /pol/ seething at the meme then more poljack edits being made in return. They're literally posting pictures of their chin to prove they aren't chinless lmfao