• AernaLingus [any]
    19 days ago

    Honestly, I wrote my own translation of the main text at first, but then I tried chucking it into DeepL and the prose was way better (only made some tiny modifications) kiryu-dame-da-ne

    近年きんねん、「 LGBTQ 」という言葉ことば見聞みききする機会きかいえてきました。
    でも、「 LGBTQ 」のひと身近みぢかかんじているかたは、
    あなたのまわりに「 LGBTQ」のかたがいないのではなく、

    In recent years, the term “LGBTQ” has become increasingly common. But how many of you are familiar with LGBTQ people? Even if you have never met someone or don't know anyone who is LGBTQ, it may not mean that there are no LGBTQ people around you, but rather that they have various feelings and circumstances that they have not shared with anyone. Let's take this opportunity to think about sexual and gender[1] diversity. (City of Kyoto)

    Japanese text without furigana if you just wanna copy-paste it somewhere else

    近年、「 LGBTQ 」という言葉を見聞きする機会が増えてきました。でも、「 LGBTQ 」の人を身近に感じている方は、どのくらいおられるでしようか?もし、「会ったことがない」「身近にはいない」としても、あなたの周りに「 LGBTQ 」の方がいないのではなく、様 々 な思いや事情を抱えて、誰にも伝えていないだけかもしれません。この機会に、性の多様性について考えてみましよう。(京都市)


    The bit on the side which is sort of the attention grabber/call-to-action (translation again courtesy of DeepL):


    There may be people close to you who are suffering alone, unable to talk to anyone about their problems, or are hurt by the words and actions of those around them.

    text without furigana



    One last cute detail that I almost missed because I thought it was boilerplate:


    The illustrations in this poster were created by students of the Manga Department[2] of Kyoto Seika University.

    no furigana


    All in all, I think it's a lovely little poster! I've been feeling pretty doomer these last few days so it was good to see a little ray of light and also get my mind off of things by making the Japanese part of my brain chooch

    edit: fixed typos (thanks Erika3sis!)

    1. The word used in the poster is which can convey both sexuality and gender. ↩︎

    2. Apparently they are "the first and only university in Japan to have a dedicated Faculty of Manga" ↩︎

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      19 days ago

      Thank you for your service. As expected, there were some new words for me, but there were also some words that I already knew or had heard, but where I forgot or didn't know the kanji used to write them.

      You forgot to put furigana on 事情じじょう and you accidentally wrote ポスたー instead of ポスター.