I feel like everything would somehow be even worse and more insufferable than it is already, except for him likely getting dunked on by Trump.

  • russianattack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i'd rather the person who is offering me something than the one who isn't. we have no idea what either one of these fucks would do in office beforehand. decriminalizing drug use is just a good idea and he rationalized it and it isn't a popular policy position to win votes. you think his white ass base is sitting there thinking about decriminalizing drugs before he said it? biden wants to wait for more research before he thinks about fucking marijuana, that's what you say when you want to win votes

    • RandomWords [he/him]
      4 years ago

      we do have an idea. it's called accountability. pete literally wrot his college thesis on how we need more politicians like bernie sanders, and then when the time came he did everything in his power to destroy that same person, because he thought it was better for his career. no integrity at all.

      neither one of these people are decent, but pete is a special kind of piece of shit.