I mean obviously from the standpoint that he’s completely evil and he deserves it, yeah. But in terms of winning, with his death pence would be the nominee. Would pence have a higher or lower chance of winning? Cause I have no doubt pence would be as bad if not worse than trump. Obviously we have no control over whether he lives or dies, but if he does I’m curious as to what you guys think would happen when pence gets the nomination.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    His death would be great if libs do the right thing, which they won't. They're just going to use his death to rehabilitate him and white wash 4 years of proto-fascist bullshit. As they do that, they're exposing their own hysteria as being manufactured so that will further alienate voters. It will also put us in danger when a real fascist shows up because everyone will think the opposition is just putting on a show again.

    If instead of the civility bullshit, the messaging was that Trump and his cabinet are dying of their own hubris. That eventually we will all get it and Trump put the population at risk. If they interviewed secret service members who have vocalized already that Trump puts them at risk and doesn't get them tests when they go home to their families. If they play clips of Trump making fun of wearing masks and then clips of him being taken away to the hospital. If they do all that, then Dems would win handedly.

    Instead Biden is going to withdraw all covid criticisms because somehow blaming Trump for his own hubris is victim blaming or something. They're probably going to end up doing some dumb shit like give Pence 3M of Joe's votes out of good faith. It's going to be a disaster.

    Of course all this supposes you give a shit about electoralism and think Dems winning is a good thing. If you don't then the important thing is that Trump dying is very funny.