I mean obviously from the standpoint that he’s completely evil and he deserves it, yeah. But in terms of winning, with his death pence would be the nominee. Would pence have a higher or lower chance of winning? Cause I have no doubt pence would be as bad if not worse than trump. Obviously we have no control over whether he lives or dies, but if he does I’m curious as to what you guys think would happen when pence gets the nomination.

  • LaBellaLotta [any]
    4 years ago

    I genuinely think there are a million upsides to today and the main one being how demoralizing this is to the fascist right without being simultaneously galvanizing and motivating for the liberals. Everyone worried about racist violence and sinophobia might be right on a small scale but I think they’ve massively under estimated the momentum that a fascist cult of personality like what’s built around trump loses when they lose their leader. Trumpism is still the last gasp of a dying party and movement no matter how scary and powerful it seems. Today a huge crack appeared in the facade. and what’s so great about it is that with the loss of RBG and now this when Biden wins the time from when the general populace Is done breathing a sigh of relief about trump being gone to when they start wondering when Material conditions will actually improve will be minimal. Biden and the democrats have no choice but to start building a positive case for themselves at this point and we all know they fucking can’t cause they’re offering nothing. Sure the Dems might have handled the start of the pandemic better but they have fucking nothing to bring any kind of prosperity or material improvement of conditions to the general public and with their main scapegoat either fucking bed ridden or dead they will have very little time to run from this before it becomes abundantly clear that they’re useless and deliberately ineffectual. Obviously none of it’s free And I could be entirely wrong but I think there’s huge opportunities here. Organize your workplaces and radicalize your friends and family!