• AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ah my specialist subject.

    So there's three dominant narratives:

    • Trump doesn't have it, it's a coded message and Trump is going into hiding because this is the start of"the ten days of darkness", an old Q prediction that they've predicted many times before, where all Internet, phone and electricity goes down so Trumps men can arrest the deep state and send them to Guantanamo under cover of darkness. The evidence? Trump used the word "together" in his tweet announcing he had covid. This is code for the anons, letting them know he's beginning with Hillary; "to|get|her". Yep.

    • this is actually a deliberate assassination attempt by China/Democrats/the Left/Antifa who have weaponised Covid and used it on Trumps podium.

    • This is part of an operation to install JFK Jr as President or Vice President and Trump has stepped out of the limelight so JFK Jr can re-emerge.

    A lot of Qanon accounts have deleted everything and renounced Q since the debate, so the world of Q is in absolute shambles currently.

    • Blarglefargle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Why’d they renounce it? Realizing the ship is dying.

      Also lol at JFK jr not even most libs want that.

      • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, realising the grift is on its way out. There's been a trickle of major figures leaving for a while. Even Dylan "education 4 liberals" Wheeler left a few months ago (although he's gone completely off the deep end Christian wise) and after he left the trickle started of grifters pulling out.

        However the #Savethechildren aspects of Qanon have caught on hugely with the new age, instagram influencer pastel-mom crowd who are posting Q memes about Adrenochrome in between yoga videos. So for every loss in the right wing sphere, they seem to be picking up someone new in the new age community.

        And yeah the JFK Jr resurrection is one of the weirdest aspects of Qanon followers. Despite the fact that Q himself has said that JFK Jr is dead.

        Oh and there's a huge number of Qanon followers who think Micheal Jackson faked his death and is protecting children from the deep state and that the deep state invented the claims against him to discredit his child saving programme. This is unrelated to anything it's just insane.

        • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Oh and there’s a huge number of Qanon followers who think Micheal Jackson faked his death and is protecting children from the deep state


          • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yep, it's completely mental.

            Here's a few of their more delusional posts about it - https://m.imgur.com/a/uV8Rwpe

            • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I’m just surprised Michael Jackson is the celeb they decided was on their side

        • Blarglefargle [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I have learned so much, thank you, side note my eyes are bleeding now so that’s fun!

    • Perplexiglass [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Thanks for the tip. Is there any relation to "Anonymous" (circa 2008) and QAnon today?

      • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Nah, they use "anons" to refer to themselves as followers of Q but they're not related to the original Anonymous. They're mostly boomers who don't even know how to get onto 8chan.kun to read the original Q posts they're so computer illiterate. They instead rely on various grifters like Praying Medic or PoliceChief2 who "decode" the Q drops in various forums (twitter, patreon, podcasts, etc). This is why there's such a massive range of beliefs filed under "Qanon" because these "decoders" push various things that they personally care about or see as easy grifting. PrayingMedic pushes a religious interpretation and feeds the narrative that Trump is working for God against the deepstate. PoliceChief2 claims to have insider info about secret executions and sells a regularly updated list of celebrities who are executed via his Patreon.

        Anonymous the group actually have a weird feud with Qanon as they claim that Q is a project designed specifically to discredit them and have posted evidence to this effect. I've never looked much into that though.