Death to GenX

  • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
    17 days ago

    If I was a pro-West psycho I'd be very scared of people like this giving up the game to non-Westerners. I've said before colonialism didn't end because of the non-existent goodness in colonial/imperialist countries, they ended because they were no longer feasible, that and the Soviets' active fight against capitalist/colonial hold in places like Africa (I can't believe I literally only learned recently that the Soviets and Cubans actually fought and supported resistance movements in Africa; it's almost like it was a secret or something).

    At the drop of a hat imperialist countries can engage in atrocities in non-Western countries with barely any pushback from the average person in our own countries; where was the nationwide unrest over the overthrow of Gaddafi? And every time, liberals are no allies in these matters.

    This is why I support places like North Korea getting nuclear weapons, and also Iran, and to the liberal idiots who watch these forums, you getting more upset over people saying this than the atrocities our countries commit against these countries is exactly why they should have these weapons; you'll be nowhere to be found when hundreds of thousands of people are slaughtered in the countries we invade but you invariably crawl out of the woodwork when people suggest rival countries have an obligation to have deterrent weaponry.

    I'm increasingly convinced that it's not enough for countries around the world (non-Western countries) to have defensive weapons, they need offensive ones too; if Iraq had actually been developing WMDs, the fact is they wouldn't have been invaded.

    • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
      17 days ago

      where was the nationwide unrest over the overthrow of Gaddafi?

      you mean when Gaddafi tried to do a 9-11 to America's sweetheart, Jim Halpert?

      Americans, even so-called educated and engaged ones, pay zero attention to the what the US does elsewhere unless there's one or more big movies about it with at least a rising B-lister.

      and even if they do read an article or two about it, it'll be some half-ass Project for a New American Century NatSec psycho authored one, distributed at face value.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      17 days ago

      I'd be very scared of people like this giving up the game to non-Westerners.

      Trust me, they already know. By and large the only people who actually swallow Pax Americana bullshit are those living in the imperial core and their compradors.