I used to have the lamest bass ever when I was in high school, it had a cartoonish skull and crossbones on it lmao. When I started playing in a band (I usually played guitar but some songs we had 2 basses) I taped a hand drawn picture of a unicorn over it. It was a nice contrast to my classy looking epiphone sheraton
Nice. I love seing the self made designs that musicians put on their instruments when I go to local shows. I currently have some axolotl and an eye stickers on my bass
Me buying a bass: The black one looks nice.
6 years laters I still dont know any of the terms you described, but it still looks nice
I used to have the lamest bass ever when I was in high school, it had a cartoonish skull and crossbones on it lmao. When I started playing in a band (I usually played guitar but some songs we had 2 basses) I taped a hand drawn picture of a unicorn over it. It was a nice contrast to my classy looking epiphone sheraton
Nice. I love seing the self made designs that musicians put on their instruments when I go to local shows. I currently have some axolotl and an eye stickers on my bass
Yeah I miss my instruments. I sold them years ago for rent money :/