• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    14 days ago

    The sequels came out 20 years ago and i'm still mad that Lucas made the Jedi a bunch of cops instead of weird esoteric warrior monks wandering around the universe doing esoteric warrior monk stuff. It's been, for me, the most consistently disapointing thing. "Oh yeah the mysterious knightly order of wizards who just kind of show up and do cool shit and leave? They're literally just feds. Fuck you."

    Like someone was explaining the Acolyte to me and I basically scrunched up my nose at it because they were telling me "The Jedi are cops" and I sincerely do not want that story. I want my yamabushi and ronin Jedi who live in temples on distant planets training and growing in the force and wandering around doing heroic yamabushi/ronin/ninja stuff.

    The Jedi as cops was always weird because, wait, are these guys an order of knights in the medieval sense where they are independent and have their own fortresses and serfs and fiefs and stuff? Are they monks who live in temples and train in Kung Fu? You're telling me that they're part of a liberal government and more or less officially work for and serve that government? Uhhhhh this is coming as a complete surprise to me! If they're medieval knights then yeah, it makes perfect sense for them to take on very young children as pages. In medieval society it was very common for children of the knightly classes to start training as young children, and an important part of that training was just following knights around and carrying stuff for them. Same thing with guild artisans; Kids started really young, either working for their parents or as apprentices. And some monastic traditions took in young children, too. So, if Star Wars is a space medieval society then yeah, taking in young kids for training makes complete sense, it fits the source material.

    But, wait, you're telling me this is actually a modern liberal democratic society? Well then it doesn't make any sense at all. There are child labor laws. There are human rights that make it a crime to send children to war! There's industrial capitalism that has largely replaced any form of artisan craft that would necessitate children be apprentices. There's mandatory public education! Now the taking young kids in to the temple to train as esoteric warrior monks thing doesn't make any sense. What's it doing here? It's a contradiction, now.

    And, wait. Wait. This galaxy spanning republic has no army? No NATO equivalent? No high command? It can't levy troops from member nations in times of war? It has nothing?! There's no major conflicts or rouge nations or anything in the entire galaxy that they need a standing army to oppose? Okay... that's fucking weird, but whatever. But wait. Wait. The Jedi are their entire high command structure?!?!

    You're telling me these esoteric warrior monk knights... are all general staff officers with experience leading large armies in industrial warfare? Why? How? Where did they learn to do that?!?! That doesn't make any sense! They're not feudal daimyos with their own army of retainers, they're not European lords who can call on levy forces, they're... idk, bureaucrats. Cops. Where did they learn to do this? Why?

    See, cause in my head, when Ben Kenobi, Anakin, and Vader (who was maybe/maybe not a separate person in ANH), participated in the Clone Wars, I always imagined that the clone wars were the clone wars because some kind of multi-faction war had broken out and all sides were using rapidly grown clones to replace massive manpower losses. I always imagined that the Jedi Knights participated as knights; Independent warriors with feudal obligations who provided their own war-gear and retainers. I figured they were fighting along side whatever the factions were, doing the kind of stuff we see them doing in the OT - spooky ninja wizard stuff like Ben turning off the Death Star tractor beam, flying high risk, very important fighter missions, confronting evil wizards. I never imagined them being the generals of a modern liberal democrat military because they were really never portrayed that way. As far as I can remember Luke never has a military command in the OT, regardless of his being given the rank of Commander and I think General. The closest is on Hoth where he's leading Rogue squadron in the attack on the AT-ATs, and that's a squadron of like a dozen ground attack craft. Luke isn't a general leading the overall defense of the planet; That's Leia and the Alliance general staff. Luke is out there doing knight stuff - riding his war horse in to battle with enemy cavalry. He actually fights a lot of cavalry, come to think of it. War elephants on Hoth, the biker scout cavalry on Endor... either way, he's important, he's helping out, but his primary focus is on the spiritual battle against the evil space wizards, while the military side of things is a secular conflict lead by normal people.

    So, the way the Clone Wars were portrayed in the sequels, it never really gelled for me. Like, I do really like the old clone wars cartoons, and I've seen some amateur edits of the sequels that I think make a really good movie, but it never fit the image of the Jedi I had as a kid growing up.