• SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    11 days ago

    I can't afford groceries yes-honey-left

    I'm speaking jokermala

    I'm going to do the thing and do it big, no one is big like me, me and JD, we're both BIG MEN trump-anguish

    I'm fucked, aren't I? yes-honey-left

  • hypercracker [he/him]
    11 days ago

    it is true that the more people learn about kamala's actual policies the more they're like god damn not voting for that shit

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      11 days ago

      Yeah, if Harris lays out policies then the libs can't just project whatever their fantasy is onto her. She's an empty suit and that's weirdly her one strength right now

        11 days ago

        Not wierdly, this shit is exactly how Biden still retains a rabid fanbase, despite being a president and having a track record. His fans straight up don't know the shit he did/is doing and project their fantasies of him being the savior of trans rights and the environment, somehow.

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      11 days ago

      I hate myself for even commending Harris on the Tim Walz pick.

      Harris chickened out of Medicare for all. We know she’ll sooner or later be bullied out of the unrealized capital gains tax.

      Enjoy my second vote in a row, Green Party. See you in four years for my third.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    11 days ago

    Yeah coconut brat summer works for the immediate, but summer’s ending soon and her campaign is going to start looking shallow if there’s no Big Idea policy proposal.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]
      11 days ago

      idunno, does ANYONE in the entire world not see the pattern of dems promising big policy idea and then not following through?

      Fucks sake, the last 10 things they said they would do they went on to not fucking do

      • PKMKII [none/use name]
        11 days ago

        Mind you I’m not talking about what an actual Harris presidency would accomplish, I’m talking about campaign marketing.

          • PKMKII [none/use name]
            11 days ago

            Question is, which is more annoying? The people who care about policy but think democrats will actually make good on the promises? Or the people who don’t care and just want vibes?

            The first group are showing more intellectual seriousness in caring about policy, but that they think democrats are serious about policy shows they’re either naive or only care about appearing serious. The vibes people are less serious on the surface, but it f it is all spectacle then there’s a realism to doubling down on the spectacle.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      11 days ago

      Nah it's all vibes. Just say "I am not Donald Trump" and you're guaranteed at least half the votes.

    • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
      11 days ago

      The Orange Drumpf must be stopped at all costs as well as whatever we find convenient to discard at the same time

  • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
    11 days ago

    I think a lot about how liberals are obsessed with policy minutiae that just doesn't matter. Nobody actually cares about tax incentives but liberals and they only care because they think it means their candidate is a nerd. The results matter. The implementation doesn't matter. I don't hear talk of either. But politicians should say things like:

    • Climate change will kill us, and we are going to stop that from happening.
    • Everyone should be able to see a doctor without ruining their budget, regardless of income or social status.
    • We are going to have safe, indoor accommodations for the unhoused wherever they are.
    • We are going to have stable and secure housing for everyone.
    • We are going to stop the mass shootings.

    Journalists will ask how these things are possible, and the answer is simply that we are going to do whatever it takes because it's important for a society to function in this way if it is going to last.

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      11 days ago

      Now I think I understand a little bit of the appeal of the GOP/Reform UK/AfD. Sure, the vast majority of those voters are ontologically evil, but a sizable enough part of their base votes for them because they’re the only (socially acceptable) party that actually believes in something. It’s an evil something, but they have an ethos.

      Look at modern day democrats, they’re just South Park republicans. Like seriously, read the Wikipedia article for South Park republican: it fits the modern democrat to a T. As long as they got their treats and their team is in office, it’s back to brunch for them. If Harris somehow pulls this off you better believe that you will see the mother of all brunching only to end up scratching their heads when DeSantis obliterates the dems in 2028.

    • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
      10 days ago

      Journalists will ask how these things are possible

      An answer I give to USians often on the internet: if the USSR which you deem so shitty managed to do all of those things (minus climate change) 50 years ago, it should be trivial for the glorious contemporary USA

  • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
    11 days ago

    Why is it that nobody seems to be noticing or remarking upon how the Very Serious Good Governance liberals keep abandoning all of their standards the very moment it no longer becomes politically necessary or useful to do so? The whole ass Room Full of Adults just threw up its hands and said "Well we may live in a democracy but it's not like we can hold our politicians to any standard whatsoever and this is fine."


  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    11 days ago

    So what is supposed to win her election? More Gambo references? Is Tim Walz going to be compared to Jon Snow next? cringe

      11 days ago

      Is Tim Walz going to be compared to Jon Snow next?

      I thought about it for an entire 2 minutes and the only ones that come to mind from both looks and general personality are Pycelle and Craster, for both VP candidates, but i'm not sure which is which.

      • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
        11 days ago

        Tim Walz is actually charming on a purely personality level I wouldn't compare him to Craster on that basis lol.

          • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
            11 days ago

            I mean you said general personality. Genocide supporters can be gregarious! I'd compare him to a more charming villain than either of them. Someone evil underneath but charming on the surface. Like books!Littlefinger or something. (show ruined this by making him too obviously evil).

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        11 days ago

        the only ones that come to mind from both looks and general personality

        Did that matter for the libs' KHALEESI(tm) pick? good-morning

    • PeeOnYou [he/him]
      10 days ago

      they hardly ever did anything to begin with.. it's pretty well the plan.. they are just to the point where they don't have to pretend anymore but I'm not sure why

    • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
      10 days ago

      Actually what opinion pieces editorial of a paper choose to publish does reflect on the paper.

      Also this is the dunk tank and we're dunking on the opinions.