It's like playing Fallout or something, but every single skill check is always 1 point higher than you have in that skill. Doesn't matter if you spend the whole game minmaxing, or the reverse (trying to keep yourself balanced and good at most things); you're always just barely underqualified for anything and no matter what shapes you contort yourself into, it's never quite the right one

Another comparison would be that spongebob episode where he keeps missing the bus no matter what he does, to the point where it's clear that the laws of physics themselves are optional as long as he's unable to succeed

It's midnight and I have a stomachache. Post quality will continue to deteriorate

  • QuillQuote [they/them]
    4 years ago

    And every time you fail the skill check the box comes up and tells me I suck and aren't good enough or actually worth anything.

    at least that's how it used to be for me, I've been very at peace with myself since the start of this year. Viewing the world and myself in it from a marxist or even just leftist perspective really primed me for a lot of growth. Golly I'm constantly glad I found this place

    hey hope your tummy feels better soon comrade <3