ShowI don't understand posting it only to fold immediately when Catholics do predictable Catholic things though
a target shooting gun! theyre really fucking cool but completely useless outside of, well, target shooting lol
Easy to talk tough, but walking down the street evaluating every single person as a threat is exhausting and terrifying.
She also may not have known out little it takes for the mask to drop and the knives to come out. The viciousness of Christians can be shocking if you're not familiar with the more energetic sects.
I'm impressed she got so many shots in the halo ring
Actually a little upset she shot at the bird too
I don't understand posting it only to fold immediately
Apparently she didn't even realize that what she was shooting at might be controversial. It wasn't supposed to be a statement.
I find it hard to believe she didn't know it was a religious work but also I don't know her so I can accept she might be telling the truth
Another entry in the "Christians are just as wacky as every other religion" folder
Christian artists: "I'll put these halos on these figures to show how divine they are"
Swiss politician: "Oh look targets for my shooting practice"
she's an immigrant who was raised by muslim refugee parents, definitely about to be fodder for swiss fash who'll ignore the fact she's agnostic