Not just here, but also on reddit and other social media.

Sure, there is a propaganda war brewing wherein a lot of Western media are pushing exaggerated narratives, Adrian Zenz is a theological dope of an academic, and the CIA has a vested interest in accelerating conflict, etc. but surely there's got to be room to also address the shortcomings of China as well? Whether it's about LGBTQ+ issues, or the exploits of Chinese capitalism, or being able to criticize or make fun of Xi, I see posts here routinely and systemically brigaded and comments downvoted to oblivion that even sniff at criticism of China.

I consider myself a free agent, and China's meteoric rise gives me some hope for a brighter tomorrow (in contrast to the US), but this blatant campaign of social media manipulation gives me pause for concern. It just screams insecurity and makes me not trust what feels like a counter-propaganda narrative. (Mods, please never get rid of the downvote counter.)

Anyway, here's hoping for a brighter future, but please let ideas breathe.

Thanks for listening.

  • Rev [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Just to clarify: the "blind faith" thing was in regards to certain fanatical China stans and not towards China itself. I'm pretty sure there are enough free thinkers to go around in China.

    As to the rest, yeah it's a difficult topic. We certainly will need both faith to a certain extent (though hopefully not blind) and subordination to get things going. The question is how to use those tools without the tools consuming the aims and hollowing out what we originally set out to do (as I would argue has happened in the past in socialist countries to a greater or lesser extent). The discussion about accountable management and organisational systems, in-built checks and balances, avoidance of mission creep, etc. is a very necessary discussion.