• marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
    4 years ago

    we do what we do because we believe that our potential must be pursued to its fullest extent

    Actually from Marx who analyzes labor and declares it integral to the self-worth and innate drive by human beings, doing and working is as human as anything else. The question is what system do we operate under? If we do things for others and only a few people benefit then it is the system that's flawed.

    I asked you a question. You are being a sourpuss and downright unlikeable person. The world sucks now, but it can change. If you think nothing will change, then you are a sectarian embracing the doom to put other people down. And it fucking sucks.

    • RandomWords [he/him]
      4 years ago

      you think sectarian means anything that contradicts your fucking bubble. it doesn't.

      • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
        4 years ago

        The rightist sectarian differs from his or her leftist counterpart in that the former attempts to domesticate the present so that (he or she hopes) the future will reproduce this domesticated present, while the latter considers the future pre-established—a kind of in-evitable fate, fortune, or destiny. For the rightist sectarian, "today," linked to the past, is something given and immutable; for the leftist sectarian, "tomorrow" is decreed beforehand, is inexorably preor-dained. This rightist and this leftist are both reactionary because, starting from their respectively false views of history, both develop forms of action that negate freedom. The fact that one person imag-ines a "well-behaved" present and the other a predetermined future does not mean that they therefore fold their arms and become spec-tators (the former expecting that the present will continue, the latter waiting for the already "known" future to come to pass)

        • Paolo Freire

        You are extremely predictable and incredibly fucking boring. I hope you realize your shit-attitude does not make you unique, and you are amongst comrades who, somehow, want to make the world a better place. You can drop the hard-ass act.

        • RandomWords [he/him]
          4 years ago

          there is nothing inevitable, fortune, or fate.

          me pointing out that humans ain't the most amazing thing in the world doesn't give you the right to lump me into some category worth of disdain and allow you the right to berate me.

          you calling me 'predictable', 'fucking boring' and saying i have a 'shit -attitude' is fucking toxic, based on me taking issue with the statement "Human beings are the most amazing thing ever, and we do what we do because we believe that our potential must be pursued to its fullest extent"

          sorry, that's completely bullshit. look up the definition of sectarian before you go throwing it around.