Hexbear was down for a bit there so I already posted this on the trueanon sub, but Hexbear is back up now hooray

I've long held the belief that Trump will never, ever face consequences for any of his myriad crimes. He's too rich, white, wet, and well connected. However, the indictments just keep piling up. People seem to think that he's going to face a minimum 5 year jail sentence here. I can't tell if it's just wishful copium or if Trump might actually be in deep shit.

There's also a lot of talk about this in the reddit-logo r/law subreddit and they're all just munching on their popcorn as the news comes in. Trump's also acting veritably deranged and going on endless public rants with ALL CAPS wall of texts, so he's obviously nervous about all of this.

I dunno, I find it all hard to believe, but the libs are saying things like they're going to name their first born child after the prosecutors in the case.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Anyone who tells you they know which way this will swing is lying to you, even if they end up being right.

    Here's the range of possibilities.

    • a) Trump is actually about to face justice, ranging from serious to only partially kid-gloved, and his narcissism makes him go all Fuhrerbunker on us. OR
    • b) Trump gets something like the minimum time for all his crimes but that adds up and he's old, he spends 5-10 years behind bars and then dies. OR
    • c) Trump gets like a year, which makes him lose.
    • d)Trump gets like a year, and he wins, and it's the funniest shit EVER. He's very unlikely to win from prison - that would hurt his chances with normal voters. But if that does happen, Biden and the governors will absolutely absolutely absolutely pardon him
    • e) Trump gets like a fucking week which probably helps him, maybe helps him a lot.


    • a) he wins the race and nothing happens to him at all ever
    • b) he loses and he gets one of the sentences above
    • c) he loses, gets one of the sentences above, and gets fucking pardoned by Biden for unity


    Notice I didn't include the possibility that he actually gets sentenced to like 200 years in prison or whatever. They aren't doing that shit

    Oh also if he dies during some short prison term, they're gonna posthumously pardon him.

    I thought nothing would ever happen to him, and yeah it still might not, but it's DEFINITELY within reasonable possibility that he'll be punished. He's being indicted for shit that presidents don't need to normally do, like coups and murders. The next presidents can all easily avoid all that dumb shit