I know I know the Catholic Church is shit and still not fixing anything (They would probably murder Francis if he tried any major reforms). But it’s just nice to see the Pope out here calling out shit.

Private property is second to people’s well being!

Free market is immoral because it exploits others!

Nations have the right to their own resources!

Liberation theology gang what’s up!

  • Enver_Hoxha [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Zero of the proletarian/anti-imperialist revolutions eliminated every backwards ideological component of the society from which they were birthed

    Maybe we should learn something from this

    • elguwopismo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Goddamnit I wrote out a thought out response and then accidentally hit delete. Look I don't know what you understand about how people learn, think critically, and come to challenge hegemonic views (especially when we consider that we all are born into very specific class-ideological situations), but I would recommend reading Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Also Fanon. IMO they've been big in helping me understand and approach differently why and how the oppressed are subservient to the oppressors ideology and how one might actually overcome this. It is a long cooperative process, not one where the enlightened person bestows their blessed wisdom among the ignorant masses

      • Enver_Hoxha [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Im not a tankie nor dumb enough to think that exterminating religion can be done with just open repression. its a clear process of undermining organized religious believes and traditions that have visible and material consecuences like circummsicion, marriage and religious "welfare and community organizing"