I know I know the Catholic Church is shit and still not fixing anything (They would probably murder Francis if he tried any major reforms). But it’s just nice to see the Pope out here calling out shit.
Private property is second to people’s well being!
Free market is immoral because it exploits others!
Nations have the right to their own resources!
Liberation theology gang what’s up!
Just excommunicate all the TradCaths and schism the church again, worked before (probably idk)
i am surprised the american catholics have not broken apart from the catholic church yet like 60% of american catholics do not believe the communion is really eating the flesh and blood of the savior which is one of the main tenets of catholism
A key tenant of “white American Catholicism” is being undistinguishable from Calvinists while also feeling superior to Protestants. Honestly if Vatican 3 goes too far down the social teaching and progressive route (which it definitely will) I can totally see at least a small branch of tradcaths breaking off
New pope and pope classic.