I mean, I'm pretty sure Mike Pence is a bigger psychopath (and way more competent), and most libs and CIVILITY-republicans would surely accept him as a rEtUrN tO NoRmALcY...
It would be good for the memes tho
I dunno...
I don't think there's a "good for America" on the menu anymore, it's all about how fast and how hard you want your fascism delivered.
why would you want something to be good for america at this point
Better phrasing might be, wanting things to be good for the American (read: USonian) working class and budding socialist movements.
I don't tbh. was just wondering what consequences my big dream would have...
The only way I can even imagine the Evangelical Pharisees squaring this circle is if they consider Trump to be their contemporary King David, though even that analogy falls apart since the Biblical David was actually based in his youth and had to fall from grace to become a decadent psychopath.