A group of Wehrmacht officers plotted against Hitler and the SS. These men were big anti-semites, all were pretty much in favor of NSDAP's racial policies and against the war against the USSR, but they knew that Hitler and the SS were driving Germany directly into a defeat, they knew the Soviets would clap them very hard if they didn't act soon. So they decided to kill the Führer, seize control of the Reserve Army, arrest several NSDAP high-ranking officials and then sue for peace with the Western Allies.

Claus von Stauffenberg was the man designed to carry out the mission, he was to attend to a meeting with Hitler and other Wehrmacht officers in the Wolfsschanze, or Wolf's Lair, Hitler's secret and heavily defended Headquarters in Rastenburg, East Prussia. During the meeting, Stauffenberg carried a briefcase which contained a bomb, he left it near Hitler and was soon called from the outside with the excuse that he had a telephone call. He left the complex soon after, as he had a car ready for him.

Back in the meeting room, a Colonel known as Heinz Brandt probably pushed the briefcase away from Hitler and behind one of the thick legs of the huge table that contained the maps. Soon after, the bomb exploded.

As a result four people died. One, named Heinz Berger, was killed right away as both of his legs were blown away. Heinz Brandt died a day after due to his injuries, Günther Korten died two days later and another one, Rudolf Schmundt died in October due to complications provoked by the incident. But their target, Hitler, was injured but still pretty much alive, the huge table protected him from much of the blast.

The plot failed, the SS were not disarmed and the Reserve Army was not effectively mobilized. The conspirators were captured and killed one by one.

Upon hearing the news of the incident on the radio, millions of liberals from all across the world tweeted: "Look, I might not agree with Hitler on many things, but I do not wish harm nor death upon anybody, no matter how bad that person could be. I hope he has a speedy recovery and I can't wait to hear from him again!".

I hope Trump fucking DIES.