Everyone has hot takes, let this thread be your safe space to unleash fire on us.

  • ChairmanAtreides [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There's not only the whole we need them argument but also the argument that some people do shitty things without knowing they're shitty. I was a dumbass liberal/conservative edge-rider for most of my life and I assume many others on this forum were at one point too. To look at someone for their past misdeeds and unequivocally denounce them for not being pure is just an extension of excessive whole cancel culture libshit. If someone does and is still doing bad shit, or did bad shit and can't be made to see what they did was wrong, fuck em. If someone joined the army thinking it was a way out of poverty or a legit life path, then found the error of their ways/was told and convinced of the error of their ways, give them the chance of redemption