• Dolores [love/loves]
    8 hours ago

    What reason, if you were interested in good faith discussion, could you have had for knowingly allowing the other party to discuss under the assumption that the argument you were making was a completely different one from the one you were actually making?

    are you serious? the repeated insults; i'm flabbergasted you are still treating me like a child even after i've tried to cut through the misunderstanding and treat you with respect. you DID NOT articulate your alien interpretation of my OP at any point before this last comment. i was just supposed to vibe out that you had the weirdest possible reading of what i'd written? you expect everything of me but nothing of yourself, this self-satisfied screed is an embarrassment. you didn't "win" because i chose to try and explain our misunderstanding, you recapitulating it all over again in an infantilizing tone is testament to your dedication to getting in the last word just to look smart.

    as a great man once said "In short, there are two wolves inside you. Both of them are redditors. Evict them" two-wolves-1two-wolves-2

    • booty [he/him]
      8 hours ago

      you DID NOT articulate your alien interpretation of my OP at any point

      I repeatedly accused you of defending horse riding, and you did not say that that is not what you were doing. That is what I mean. If I were being accused of making an argument I wasn't making I, personally, would clarify what my point is rather than insisting on continuing into semantic arguments while the person I'm talking to is under a false understanding of what my position is.

      the repeated insults; i'm flabbergasted you are still treating me like a child even after i've tried to cut through the misunderstanding and treat you with respect.

      The fact that you interpret my frustration with your refusal to communicate your position as an insult seems like a you problem

      you didn't "win"

      There it is. You know, I haven't been treating you like a child whatever you say. But maybe i should have been, because you are one. No one "won" anything. This isn't a fucking competition. This is what I was talking about the entire time. You are reddit to your very core.