I mean the actual medicine part. When I think about it, there are still no cures for the major things that ail us (e.g. cancer, etc.). China cured that one guy from his diabetes, but I haven't heard anything beyond that.

The "promise" of stem cell technology from 20 years ago still hasn't amounted to anything that your average person can get (and there are all sorts of shady overseas places that give ppl "stem cell" injections, but honestly we should have figured out that shit by now).

If you tear a ligament/tendon, guess what, that shit will never heal back to 100%, and the "oh just rest and do physical therapy" shit is annoying because you're only really working around the problem and not solving it.

On top of that, as you get older it's harder for your body to heal from injuries, sickness, etc. and I've yet to see any legit progress on anti-aging. If your heart is damaged or arteries clogged, I don't see any way to reverse it.

And after covid, it's all been fucked. How many people have long covid and the medical establishment just throws it's hands up shrug-outta-hecks basically treating an entire segment of the population as though it was a bad crop yield ("I guess there's always the next batch!!).

And doctors themselves are often the biggest dipshits out there. They are high off their own supply because they're "smart" and lack the empathy to actually listen to patients. Either they're older conservative types or younger lib dipshits. And there are so many horror stories about nurses that talk shit about patients. It's just dismal.

The common reply is that "biology is hard" but honestly that's a WEAK excuse. So many advances were made in the past, and there are so many more to be made. An actual concerted international effort, unhindered by profit motives and fucking insurance, hospital, pharmaceutical industries, etc. would almost certainly yield results. I mean look at Cuba coming up with a lung cancer vaccine and curing HIV in an infant. Look at China curing diabetes in that one guy. These advances are possible, but honestly they aren't coming fast enough. If you're suffering from a terrible disease/ailment, the "promise" of a new drug that still may be 10 years away is just terrible.

So even if we had 100% socialism now with free healthcare, there are still so many things that need to be addressed. I can't help but think that had the Soviet Union not fallen, we would have had cures for many things. Hopefully xi-beard can do something about this, but overall I'm still super bummed that the future we dreamed has not materialized.

  • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
    28 days ago

    Yes, we shouldn't be charged for healthcare and for innovations we already fund through our taxes being given as grants, but medical science isn't magic.

    The medical science community is and should be international, those advancements happening in Cuba and China are not happening in a vacuum.

    • bidenicecream
      28 days ago

      The medical science community is and should be international, those advancements happening in Cuba and China are not happening in a vacuum.

      The only issue I see is that those advancements aren't available in the west. I mean in the US I can't get a lung cancer vaccine. I think the degree to which the scientific community is international currently is somewhat overstated.

      • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
        28 days ago

        Yes you can

        Look here's a study on it in the US published last year: https://ascopubs.org/doi/10.1200/JCO.2023.41.16_suppl.9135

        It is in human trials in the US, only a matter of time until it is approved by the FDA. And it's currently avaliable in Belarus, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peru and Paraguay.

        • bidenicecream
          28 days ago

          I'm not gonna hold my breath on waiting for the clinical trials in the US. If they can completely kill railroad strikes then I'm totally pessimistic clinical trials, especially after all the fucking antics the CDC, NIH, and FDA did in handling covid.

          • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
            28 days ago

            I'm not saying your concerns are unfounded, but you seem to be directing them at the wrong people. Researchers, doctors, nurses, etc are not your enemy.

            It would be wonderful if there was a single worldwide regulatory agency for medical approvals, research, and distribution.

            Neoliberalism, capitalism, and imperialism are your enemy, not the scientific community.

            • bidenicecream
              28 days ago

              Neoliberalism, capitalism, and imperialism are your enemy, not the scientific community.

              Agreed, but when pretty much a significant percentage of those in the scientific community are neoliberals, capitalists, and imperialists, I don't see how they can be separated.