Hi Chapos throwaway for obvious reasons.

I’ve managed to buy an apartment, two bedrooms. I live in it, but I rent the other room out. Is it unethical for me to hide that I’m the owner?

I don’t really lie-lie, like if I’m asked straight up I’ll answer, but I’ll avoid it if possible.

It’s mostly because it creates an odd power dynamic and I’d rather have a flatmate than a tenant if that makes sense.

Reason I bought is I don’t want to deal with landlords, obviously.

Do I get the wall?

  • GuiltyConscience [he/him]
    2 days ago

    Fair points. But by analogy, there’s not always an obligation to disclose stuff that might make others cautious. With concealed carry, for example, you wouldn’t go around brandishing it unless you want trouble.

    Head tenant situations are pretty common here, where one person is in charge of landlord relations, so it’s not odd to not have any paperwork. I give the option of signing stuff, but people are happy to just do informal.

    • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
      2 days ago

      the question regarded ethics, in this case i think the correct ethical thing to do is inform them. As an aside i dont think i support concealed carry, if someone is carrying a weapon capable of killing multiple people i think that should be declared so people know to stay away from them