He used the term "tankie" unironically... It's over

    • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
      20 hours ago

      You don’t understand, Ukrainian Nazi tattoos are psychological tactics to scare the Russian soldiers. When Russian soldiers see swastika, it triggers their collective trauma of the Nazi invasion 70 years ago which saps their morale and incapacitates their fighting capability.

      Ukraine is just using Nazi symbols ironically. The more swastikas the Russians see, the more scared they become.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    1 day ago

    By that logic, you shouldn't support sending money, guns, and bombs to Ukraine because they're Nazis

    Doesn't matter how many Nazis there are, you don't give them anything

    • trot [he/him]
      22 hours ago

      to be fair the take itself does not imply supporting Ukraine, just that it's silly to believe the war will ever lead to any "denazification" at all, and to be all SMO ZOV GOIDA 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 because of it.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    1 day ago

    All of Europe including Russia has an underground Nazi problem, Ukraine on the other hand is an open Nazi state, quite a difference

    Doesn't take a scholar of fascism to figure this shit out, but libs love playing on legendary mode

  • Awoo [she/her]
    22 hours ago

    New guy: Dude who supports mao hating on "tankies"

    • trot [he/him]
      22 hours ago

      Old guy, see: every post-Sino-Soviet split Maoist

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    23 hours ago

    I think Russia and Ukraine are both bad shrug-outta-hecks

    Ukraine is probably more fascist than Russia is but that honestly barely matters to me. I just think it would be very bad for the world if the Great Satan managed to defeat and subjugate Russia using Ukraine as a proxy.

  • sweatersocialist [comrade/them]
    22 hours ago

    no clue who this even is tbh, did they used to be good? how can you say tankie derogatorily while being a maoist?

    • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
      21 hours ago

      He’s not a Maoist he just uses the aesthetic while doing cig and beer reviews


    • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
      21 hours ago

      MLMs are generally pro-Ukrainian natlib and do not support the idea of critical support for modern Russia. Most of them also understand that "tankie" includes them but I figure this one is so distracted by MLM vs ML infighting (or, since its twitter, MLM vs patsoc fighting lmao, since there are like 5 actual MLs on that platform) that he wants to seperate themself from the word tankie and say "no tankies is people with the ML stance on the Ukraine War".

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        18 hours ago

        Are you sure he actually is a Maoist? I always got the impression this dude is as much of a Maoist as your average band kid who blasts the Soviet Anthem in the school bus is a Stalinist.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    23 hours ago

    The anti tankie to nazi pipeline is basically just a giant very short tunnel.

  • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them, she/her]
    1 day ago

    Side note, but the funniest part of the Ukraine war to me is that Russian neo-Nazi group that sides with Ukraine. Because they feel like Putin is humiliating Russia.


    • plinky [he/him]
      1 day ago

      I think they have some thoughts on russia's ethnic composition, there were completely bonkers interviews when ukraine first tried to attack with them. So they see ukraine as true slavic aryan state, and russia as corrupted by those non-russians shrug-outta-hecks russia took tartars in like 1500s something, they are just nuts to want slavic state

    • GoodGuyWithACat [he/him]
      22 hours ago

      They were upset that Alexi "Muslims are cockroaches and should be crushed" Nalvany got a trip to the Arctic.

  • OpenDown [he/him, comrade/them]
    23 hours ago

    The nazi analogy makes a lot more sense when you think of it in terms of "country funded by colonizing powers to produce regime change in russia and extend western imperialism" rather than swastikas/anti-semitism, they even do that too though so lmao what is he even on about. Dialectical materialism? Imperialism? Nah we do a count of Hitler particles and the country with more deserves to die

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    1 day ago

    Even if this assumption was 100% true, it still makes sense to trust Russian communists to do their part and practice revolutionary defeatism, while we practice revolutionary defeatism here. We can't stop Russian reactionaries from the west, and Russians can't stop western reactionaries by themselves either; so the only thing you can do is not support western reactionaries. It's not that hard.

    Edit: just to clarify I don't actually think Russians should practice revolutionary defeatism because the nature of the SMO is not imperialist, but I'm just saying that even if you supposed that it was, the action that western leftists ought to take remains the same.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    23 hours ago

    By "just based off popukation" does he just mean Russia has 20x the people and he assumed even distribution.

    Cool, go ahead and show me the russian unit that's explicitly neo Nazi and then about a half dozens pictures of Russian soldiers posing with nazi insignia and we can start seriously having this discussion.

    • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
      20 hours ago

      By "just based off popukation" does he just mean Russia has 20x the people

      by 20x the population he means he's a spiritual cracker and has never looked at a globe, population statistics, or ethnic distributions

      all mayo countries are empty