Sometimes you gotta genocide a whole population to protect Queer rights.

    8 minutes ago

    It's sad how well this actually works on some people. So many of liberal friends have adopted a blind "both sides bad" because of stuff like this. I don't know why they struggle with the concept of critical support, but I haven't been able to teach them successfully. Every time I think they get it, they roll back to a black and white "I just want to grill" view of things.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    2 hours ago

    "The genociders are currently mass-killing so many people that statistically they are also killing far more LGBT people than the resistance would."

    Actually, has anyone seen a liberal respond to this argument (or a similar one)? I'd be curious to see what species of brainworms show up.

  • vegeta1 [none/use name]
    3 hours ago

    I wonder if they would keep the same energy if someone said the same about lgbt marriage being illegal in Ukraine. Guess all the empathy for that cause should go out the window then huh? Or maybe engaging in strawman isn't the move orly

    5 hours ago

    Palestinians being thrown off buildings


      2 hours ago

      Fuck man, that shit is too real. I literally posted something like that not that long ago on my own social and I had four people message me saying that SAME EXACT SHIT.

  • Angel [any]
    7 hours ago

    Imagine a person saying something like, "I don't know if slavery should've ended in the US because those slaves likely had some misogynistic or homophobic beliefs."

    I wouldn't put it past some white queers, honestly.

    • Smeagolicious [they/them]
      6 hours ago

      They already handwring about the Haitian revolution, John Brown, Nat Turner & other revolts, they just know they probably couldn't get away with saying it for US slavery as a whole. It'll probably enter the discourse sooner than later

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      6 hours ago

      You don't have to imagine, there were white advocates for women's rights in the time when it was considerably more acceptable to say "I don't know if slavery should've ended" in public

  • jolliver_bromwell [she/her]
    5 hours ago

    love when libs find an “excuse” to shit out their transphobia, fatphobia, and whatever else.

      2 hours ago

      The classism has been on the double with the Copmala-mandering on Stormfront.

      "Only dumb, poor uneducated high-school graduate savages living in the boonies would vote for trump! SC got what it deserved!"

    6 hours ago

    Most of these people would never support LGBTQ rights themselves. We queers know better than these losers who our actual enemies are. It's the Imperial government which presses its boot on our necks, and not the guys fighting the Empire thousands of miles away from where they would have any chance of hurting us.

    I honestly hate how basic tactical and strategic thinking completely does not exist within the liberal mind. They love basing their entire worldview on insane scenarios they cooked up in their heads.

    It's like watching toddlers play with action figures. "Hurr hurr, the fat blue haired feeeemale got thrown off a roof by the dirty savages" unzips pants and jerks it to interracial porn.

  • Bobson_Dugnutt [he/him]
    7 hours ago

    Meanwhile, in the real world:

    • NPa [he/him]
      5 hours ago

      part-of-history They say the next guy to throw my lifeless corpse off a roof will be a twink

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    6 hours ago


    Pretty much nothing good is likely to come after this is said as a sentence opener. Fucking South Park brain is itself Drej Tank material.

    It's abrasive from the start because it has presumptions about who is being spoken to. Imagine calling these three "dudes" and what'd happen next.
