I first saw this today after listening to the podcast. I am still somewhat suffering just from the utter horror of this video, so please bear in mind this is not something to watch casually. I still need to process how to respond, other than holy fuck, the US military is pure evil
Holy, fuck. Ever since I became a leftist, I had heard and always knew that the US military had committed and are committing war crimes. But this is the first time I've ever seen actual footage of something like this. I am internally furious, and my anti-US stance has been emboldened ten-fold. To think there was a time in my life where I thought the US was in any way a "good country", and to think we let the US and their Nato shmucks come and train in Finnmark, running down airliners and sinking fishing boats, we even send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to assist them in Imperialism. This is all fucking incoherent, sorry, but I'm just :100-com: M A D right now. I was 4 years old when these events happened, I never got to witness these invasions happening on TV, but now I have gotten to see the tip of the iceberg of horribleness.
Edit: good post btw
Abu Ghraib comes to mind as well.
Oh yeah, I've seen some pictures from that, I don't have a good gist of it, but I know that Iraqi civilians were imprisoned and tortured, right?
tortured, raped, smeared in shit, sometimes forced to do things to each other. And photographed.
Holy shit, cruelty knows no bounds
Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape
Oh dear god, I thought there was a limit to how sick in my stomach I could feel, I was wrong. Good lord above there is no punishment great enough that can be brought upon the criminal organisation that is the USA and its armed forces :amerikkka:
Good God, I feel sick.
I'm not a third worldist, but you can fucking see where they're coming from.