Struggle session engage. Post your pathetic arguments so that I and the other China Good Posters can dismantle them and you can learn.

Key points:

  • China is a democracy. It is arguably the most functional and responsive democracy in a major country today. Its citizens consider it more democratic than the citizens of almost any other country do their own.

  • China is on a clear path to socialism and economic justice. No nation in history has ever reduced poverty in anything like the way China is doing it.

  • The vast majority of people in the PRC support the CPC. This is not due to being brainwashed. Americans are brainwashed and still hate their government.

  • Almost everything you hear about China in the West sits on a spectrum between malicious misrepresentation to outright fabrication with no basis in reality.

  • China's ascension to the premiere global power is an extremely good thing for world peace and the global socialist movement. While China does not actively support other socialisms (sadly it's not as good as the USSR in this regard) it does not do imperialism. China will allow socialisms around the world to flourish simply by not actively crushing them like the US and Europe.

  • DornerBros [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That's funny because Cuba easily has the best healthcare in Latin America despite their government being "protected from electoral rebuke".

    Also if the problem is that the CPC is "beholden to the capitalist class", why did universal coverage only become a thing in the 2010s, well after market reforms? Why has access to healthcare increased dramatically across the board since the end of the planned economy era?

    I don't expect you to come up with a solution, I expect you to admit that you don't have one. There is no easy solution that can be implemented overnight because it's not an issue of unequal distribution of resources, the CPC isn't hogging all the healthcare. China's not a rich country, its people are as a whole on the same level of income as Mexicans, and many remote rural residents are barely above the international poverty line. I really don't know what you expect other than clear indications that conditions are rapidly improving regardless of geography and class.