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  • spectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Imagine being completely oblivious to the discord drama; just completely at peace and pure😇

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I head about moving to discord, but discord makes no sense to me, so I never joined. It sounds like I didn't miss much.

      • spectre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It was fun for like the first week, but I didn't use it except for the little notification of this place opening up. There were 10000 users and like 80 channels which were either dead or looked like twitch chat (gross). I'm surprised some people actually stayed behind.

      • spectre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Here's a sloppy retelling, someone else might jump in, but even this is giving far more attention than it's worth.

        Kinda had to be there, but the whole transition from the sub to the discord wasn't great, cause some mods were just picked up cause they volunteered. One of them went full libertarian and explicitly stated that they'd let loli porn slide since it was just cartoons (insta banned, but they probably shouldn't have been a mod in the first place).

        A week or two before this place was gonna get launched, a nb user (who you may have known if you browsed the sub a lot) felt that they had some transphobia directed at them from another user, and the mods kinda flubbed the handling of it. Other users who had had tiffs with the mods rallied around them, and started a campaign against the mods for "being transphobic (or tolerating it)" even though many of the mods are trans/nb.

        Same goes for sectarian stuff ("you're anti-ML", even though most mods are ML). Everyone got banned for constantly starting shit and we're basically told "come back once the forum is up and it'll be a clean slate, we don't have time to deal with this". The mods reached out to the group (numbering like 20-80 users I think) a couple of times and couldn't get much of anywhere with them. Then once this place finally got online, some of them spammed and did what they could to tear it down, even though most users weren't really involved in their shit.

        Anyway, it sucks that some people with legit grievances were good folks, but they kinda flubbed the way they confronted the mods (some demands were fine, some were unclear, some were too strict, some accusations were exaggerated, making constructive conversation difficult), so not much ended up happening all said and done.

        All in all, I consider it the growing pains of a small online community.